Bring the gaming console experience to your PC with this game controller that features broad game support for wide-ranging use and a floating D-pad for simple operation. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events and more from Microsoft Store. A Deluxe Edition with extra DLC and collectibles is available as well. Available to United Kingdom residents. It’s also a tad small and larger hands are likely to struggle a bit. After a secretive agency in New York is invaded by an otherworldly threat, you become the new Director struggling to regain Control.

We check over 130 million products every day for the best prices The joystick unit of this Pro Flight X52 flight system has a self-centering mechanism to let you return to neutral position easily.Sports, action, shooters, you name it. Control answers that question & the results are a more focused title with incredible writing & world building, these things have always been Remedys strong suit but Controls tighter environments allows for much better gameplay with no bullet time anywhere to be seen. Get one of the best PC controllers 2020 has to offer, and you might find it to be one of the best accessories for PC gaming. Well paced, imaginitive and full of the weird and wonderful.

This 8BitDo N30 Pro 2 wireless game pad connects easily to consoles via Bluetooth and lets you play games on Windows, Android, Mac and Nintendo Switch.Play games on a variety of platforms using this 8BitDo N30 Pro 2 wireless game pad. “Control creates a captivating, oddball world that never loses the thread of its supernatural tale.” 8.8 – IGN “A game we'll be talking about for generations” 4.5 / 5 – GamesRadar+ “Remedy's best combat system yet” 88 – PC Gamer ... Control is an acrobatic third-person shooter set in … While PC purists might be opposed, using the In fact, the best PC controllers make your gaming experience much more streamlined than a mouse and keyboard combo ever could.

The two points that I would say it let me down a little bit was that on my phone sometimes the response wasn't as immediate as in the PC (maybe the problem is not the controller itself but the how the android handles the commands from the controller). Very comfortable in the hands, the DualShock 4 boasts tactile analog sticks with just enough resistance, and perhaps the best directional pad ever. Its analog sticks and trigger buttons provide pinpoint accuracy and comfort, and its share button lets you post achievements and live-stream game play without pausing the action. The familiar layout of this gamepad brings console-style control to your PC games.

They give you a bit more dexterity for demanding genres like action-RPGs and fighting games, and they offer simpler controls since you’re only mostly utilizing your thumb, middle and index fingers. Recharge this DualShock 4 wireless controller directly from the PS4.Capture all the fine detail with this Xbox wireless controller. A single player game that draws you in the more you play it. Control will launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. © 2020 Best Buy.

The wireless design lets you play from anywhere in the room, and an included microUSB cable lets you keep the controller charged and ready for use. Create the ideal setup with this Xbox wireless controller thanks to custom button mapping.Add style to your gaming when you use this Microsoft Xbox blue controller.

PC Gamer is supported by its audience. Best game of 2019 .If you're looking for a good sp game with good story that will leave you with a smile on your face and make you want to carry on playing? Jesse works with other Bureau agents and discovers strange experiments and secrets.

Its small form factor makes it uncomfortable in the hand during extended sessions and more twitch-based games.

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