The bottom line became the only line. Nobody listens and nobody cares.I like "Bob Roberts" - I like its audacity, its freedom to say the obvious things about how our political process has been debased - but if it had been only about campaign tactics and techniques, I would have liked it more.There is another thread in the movie that doesn't work as well.It involves an investigative journalist named Bugs Raplin (Apart from that, though, "Bob Roberts" is quite a package.Watching it might be an education for some voters, who will recognize in the movie political techniques they see being practiced all the time in real life. This political satire includes several original songs co-written and performed by writer/director/star Tim Robbins, and cameo appearances by other stars as reporters and news anchors. With Tim Robbins, Giancarlo Esposito, Alan Rickman, Ray Wise. In 1990 Bob Roberts (Robbins), an arch-conservative folk singer, decides to run for the Senate in Pennsylvania. More Details This crazy political satire takes on added meaning during the current election campaign , when appearance dominates over substance. Roberts is well financed, due mainly to past business dealings, and is well known for his folk music, which presents conservative ideas with gusto. As in Wag the Dog, the answer is a foregone conclusion; but unlike that other '90s-era political satire, Bob Roberts is as humorless as a heart attack.Robbins doesn't make any attempt to get viewers comfortable with Roberts, and, in fact, invites derision. My daughter was cut out of the picture." In this movie, the Roberts campaign is seen through the eye of British documentary filmmaker Terry Manchester (Murray). The film is Robbins' directorial debut, and is based on a short segment of the same title and featuring th Millionaire conservative Bob Roberts (Tim Robbins) launches an insurgent campaign against incumbent senator Brickley Paiste (Gore Vidal), firing up crowds at his rallies by singing '60s-style acoustic folk songs with lyrics espousing far-right conservative social and economic views. The self-promotion spawned by the aggressive new M.B.A. programs made business into a new kind of jungle - one where the animals ate even when they weren't hungry.Roberts, played by Robbins, is a tall, open-faced man with an infectious grin that can turn, in an instant, into a mask of anger. Winning was everything. His message to his supporters is that greed is good. He's a self-made millionaire who sings folk songs to his audiences, songs with titles like "The Times They are a-Changin' Back."

He is not above dirty tricks and smear campaigns to gain an advantage over his opponent. Documentary-style look at the fictional Senatorial campaign of Bob Roberts, an arch-conservative folk singer turned politician. Not only does Roberts' character draw from 1960s-era iconography of While critics and audiences responded to this film by connecting Roberts’ character to various political figures, such as This article is about the film. "Bob Roberts is Nixon, but he's shrewder, more complicated," says a skeptical newscaster, one of many such heavy-handed speeches in the film. Bob Roberts, the hero of Tim Robbins' new film, is a "populist" candidate for the Senate in Pennsylvania. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. Synopsis.
It depicts the rise of Robert "Bob" Roberts Jr., a right-wing politician who is a candidate for an upcoming United States Senate election. "Bob Roberts" isn't simply another satire about slimy political schemes.It's a satire about a whole mindset, about the anything-goes greed of the 1980s, when decent American values were replaced by the cold cynicism of management experts. Bob Roberts is an unscrupulous politician who uses folk music to fool the public into supporting his bid for political power. His opponent is a weary old liberal senator named Brickley Paiste (Paiste protests: "That's my daughter's best friend. It is about a right-wing folk singer who becomes a corrupt politician and runs a crooked election campaign. A conservative folk singer turns his hand to politics, running for the US Senate.

The movie, directed by Thor Freudenthal, was adapted by Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle (both of Kim Possible fame) along with Jeff Lowell. Bob Roberts is a 1992 American satirical mockumentary film written, directed by, and starring Tim Robbins. Bob Roberts is a decent film. Tim Robbins and Alan Rickman give good performances. Roberge, C. (1992) "Tim Robbins campaigns for Bob Roberts and political change (interview)." There is an eerie quality to Roberts' down-home fascism, the way he strums that guitar and unashamedly looks like a Woody Guthrie, a Tim Robbins made this movie mostly by himself. Directed by Tim Robbins. For people named Bob or Robert Roberts, see Canby, V. (1992) "Bob Roberts; A Singing Candidate, A Happy Trail of Hate." The film is Robbins' directorial debut, and is based on a short segment of the same title and featuring the same character that Robbins portrayed on The campaign is boosted by public support following the assassination attempt, and Roberts wins the election with 52 percent of the vote. Although Roberts claims that his wounds have left him The film's style is drawn from a number of real and mock documentaries, and its shots are crafted to create this effect, in many cases through the use of hand-held cameras.

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