In the upper grades, they are taught to play the recorder and learn music theory.
On Friday afternoons, there is a Gathering where a different aspect of their studies is highlighted. Students also practice speaking and listening skills each day. The technical side of art is taught to students, as well, so that they develop artistic abilities and learn to appreciate different artistic works.
All students are able to participate no matter their skill level or athletic ability. All subjects stress reading and writing, as well as listening and public speaking skills. The curriculum appreciates human creativity and achievement.Schools must abide by the time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond the national curriculum specifications.
In primary school, classes are self-contained with a priority on early literacy and a strong foundation in math concepts and skills.In elementary school, students choose whether to study French, Spanish, or Chinese. The library offers a reading incentive program and a birthday book program. Achieving an almost perfect score, and the highest score in the state, Lincoln Avenue displays incredible accomplishments.LAA, a magnet STEM school, is also an International Baccalaureate school, meaning added emphasis on individual creativity, discovery, and exploration. The Lexington School.
A discipline management plan eliminates disruptions to the learning environment so that students will get the maximum amount of benefit out of every class session. Fourth graders scored a high A in math and a high B in reading. This atmosphere enables military-connected families to focus on their military mission, with the confidence that their children are in the best and most capable hands, at M.C. In seventh grade, students stop taking writing and start taking Latin. Students in grades one through eight each have computer access. In addition to field trips, guest speakers and artists are brought in to speak to students.While tuition is substantial at CSB, it includes daily hot lunches and the outdoor education program, as well as books and computers. As of the fall of 2014, the principal had been with the school thirty-eight years. Fourth-graders visit the Olympic Park Institute and Nature Bridge to study science in the International Biosphere Reserve. All of Little Harbor’s grades taken together give them the second highest average of all schools in the state.Designated by the state as a Reward School based upon superior academic excellence, Bay Head Elementary serves students in grades K through 8. Students are taught foreign languages, music, art, computer, and may even participate in the Ukulele Club. Students are taught Latin and Spanish (as well as other languages) through blended learning, and the school culture emphasizes character education.Students in grades K--8 use community iPads and Apple TV. They are given access to the online Seattle Public Library, as well as subscription databases.
The school was first founded in 1948. Students in fourth and fifth grade had perfect scores on both math and English/language arts. Equal weight is accorded to academic, personal, and social responsibility. The school raises money to supplement the educational program which helps reduce tuition. All grades take library education so they can learn the skills needed to adequately research topics. Southside also uses iPad 2s and offers extremely reasonable insurance through an independent insurer for $33 a year.KCJA is the only tuition-free gifted elementary magnet school in Missouri. Lower-school students have unique projects, field trips, and experiences crafted by their teachers to maximize their opportunities to learn and display what they have learned.The upper school comprises grades five through eight and students in the upper school move onto newer and more challenging opportunities such as producing the school newspaper, participation in group competitive sports, choir, science projects, and essay writing contests, to name a few. Every teacher must have a peace place where a student can sit to reflect on his or her behavior. Students also begin writing formally in elementary school.
Though students do work collaboratively, they are held individually responsible for their learning in this college preparatory school. They are exposed to different kinds of art and encouraged to handle different things to get a feel for different textures. All out-of-country schools on this list are run by the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). Student field trips include the Morehead Planetarium, the Nasher Museum, the Carolina Tiger Rescue, the Duke Homestead, and the Triangle Training Center. In the lower school, students learn some of their math through projects that give the students the opportunity to solve real-world problems in an analytical and creative way, while applying principles of mathematics. Students go on several field trips throughout the year and guest speakers come to the school from various professional fields so that students can make connections between what they are learning and the world around them.Elementary and preschool students have reading buddies and lunch buddies so that older students can experience what it is like to mentor younger people and to act as role models.Students in grades three through five may participate in club-style sports with no chance of being cut from the team. In the summer new preschool students (ages three through five) can sign up for a half-day to get a jump on the foundational learning for language, science, and math.
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