Elle est l'un des premiers personnages ouvertement homosexuels.
Maggie Sawyer, une détective pour la police des sciences nouvellement formée, qui traite spécifiquement des menaces méta-humaines et exotiques. Maggie est un officier de la police de Star City.
Quand elle est devenue lieutenant, elle a épousé son capitaine James Buchanan Sawyer. Elle apparaît dans la série Sawyer est également un personnage récurrent dans la saga On apprend qu'elle est née à Blue Spring au Nebraska.
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After bringing Kate Kane into the Arrowverse during the "Elseworlds" Arrowverse crossover event, the CW seems set to add a Batwoman series to its lineup of DC TV shows, potentially following the end of Arrow.
Tous les deux ont une fille Jamie. Rising through the ranks to become a captain in the Metropolic Special Crimes Unit, Sawyer was eventually promoted to Inspector under Commissioner Dan Turpin following the death of Superman. Elle a été l'un des contacts de la police de Metropolis pour En 2002, Maggie quitte Métropolis pour Gotham.
Sawyer develops a romantic relationship with Kane, whose secret activities as Batwoman complicates their relationship. After Commissioner Jason Bard resigns, Maggie is appointed in his place. With that in mind, Maggie's departure during Season 3 of Supergirl may not be the last the Arrowverse sees of the character. Elle avoue à Alex que ses parents n'ont pas accepté son homosexualité.
WILL MAGGIE SAWYER RETURN IN BATWOMAN? Later stories revealed that she originally came from Star City, and was married to another police officer named In the mid-2000s, Maggie was transferred to Gotham City's police force as the head of the Major Crimes Unit, and became a significant character in After Commissioner Jason Bard resigns, Maggie is appointed in his place. Beginning her career as a member of the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit, she worked alongside Dan Turpin as her partner and frequently interacted with Superman. Head of Gotham City's Major Crimes Unit and originally from Star City; Sawyer is a career police officer. Eventually, after being injured and saved by Superman during a terrorist plot, her attitude towards him warms up. She tries to prove the police force is more efficient than a vigilante in fighting crime, and so becomes a constant thorn in Superman's side during the early days of his career, even trying to apprehend him occasionally. Lat…
Maggie Sawyer is a police officer who has worked in Gotham City and Metropolis.
Son père l'a chassée de la maison et elle est partie vivre chez sa tante.
Kane reveals her identity as Batwoman by proposing to her in costume in Batwoman #17. Following a transfer, she becomes a detective in the Gotham City Police Department where she interacts with Batman. However, she ended up stepping down to return to the MCU, and has Gordon restored as Commissioner. Maggie est un officier de la police de Star City. Quand elle est devenue lieutenant, elle a épousé son capitaine On apprend que Maggie est lesbienne, elle a découvert qu'elle aimait les femmes et a divorcé puis a déménagé à Metropolis, laissant la garde de leur fille à son ex-mari.
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