It’s a sad but true reality.How are we going to create lessons that stand out and that our students look forward to and become excited by? Scan QR codes to connect to tons of digital content including video tutorials. Start with your butts on the ground, find some form of connection, work your way up, and then back down. But the more he spoke about his spoon, the more we became engaged. One day, a student found a pound note. Do your materials come from trusted suppliers and are those suppliers providing what they say on the packet?The other day in the supermarket I was struck by how, down the whole length of the aisle, I could only see plastic, paper and glass. I can’t remember the rest of that lesson. He started to talk about it, full of enthusiasm. A good way to get these is to write to foreign embassies and tourist offices in your country. Picture postcards from around the world are also really exciting for students to get. He is the author of Before I went to Japan and started to teach kids, I ran a late night café in Dublin. He told us about how the spoon had been passed down through his family. Scan QR codes to connect to tons of digital content including video tutorials.Ten of the best no-prop, interactive ‘get-to-know-you’ games & activities. We should allow light to shine in from outside. Starting with your butts on the ground, hands together, feet somewhere planted on the ground find your way back up. They can become unengaged. I can’t remember much of what happened in the classroom but I do remember how much we’d look forward to those Monday morningsThe clearest memories are of the days when we escaped from the classroom or when the wider world came to see us. Check out Set the scene by making your classroom a Global HQ for Linking. At dawn, on the shortest day of the year, everyone gathers to see the sun’s first light shine along a passage and light up a chamber in the mound.This special moment reminds me of how our classrooms should be. They can become tired of the whole learning process and switch off. Until everyone in your group is physically connected to one another, and are challenged to work together to simultaneously lift themselves off the ground.Something that begins as a simple co-operative stunt between two people soon becomes an initiative problem for your entire group as the configuration becomes more and more illogical and hilarious.Encourage your group to remain focused and persist, and with time available at the end, invite your group to reflect back on what they learned from solving the problem – see This is a fantastic exercise to introduce the concept of group cooperation.
It’s a great way to ‘Englishify’ your local surroundings.Ask your students to find a number of examples of English in their surroundings outside the classroom. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. In the end, half went to charity and half to a bag of sweets for the whole class. Buy Now. Do you even get to choose what is on the menu and do your students get to feel like they have choice too?
Simply by doing this they will identify the fact that English is happening all around them and is not just something that takes place in lessons. Online Play is a great place to learn and have fun at the same time. No more mazes, jokes, cartoons or collectible plastic figures for me.As educators, we are responsible for providing our students with a healthy balance of activities to make up a good all-round educational diet from source to table.The recent food industry scandals have made us all think a bit harder about where our food comes from and who we trust to supply it. Anyway, I really didn’t know what I was doing and so I made it up as I went along. I drew faces on boiled eggs, poor souls, then executed them with the whack of a spoon. As John is ably demonstrating here.This is referred to as Everybody’s Up. Home-grown and home-cooked are the most delicious but not everybody has the time or the expertise to prepare tasty food day in day out. It becomes a group of four or there might be one group of six, and the same objective. So I’ll step out, over to you. Students can draw flags and learn a few phrases of their countries’ languages. Played: 152 times Last played on: … Everybody Up is a new primary ELT course from Oxford University Press that I was very happy to have worked on with the Super Simple Learning team. Welcome to Everybody Up Online Play! Read our You can also use PowerPoint very effectively for this sort of project. Passionate about Linked Language Learning, he is fascinated by the way technology, and especially social media, has the power to transform the teaching and learning experience.
He passed the spoon around the class so that we could all see the little silver marks on the underside of the handle. Simple, co-operative & builds trust & team skills. A notice board in the classroom is a good place to display students’ projects and you can put posters up on the walls from different parts of the world. Many of them spend a lot of time after school in other classrooms before they go home. Recent Games Played. It was an antique Georgian Irish Silver ladle.
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