Probably my favourite cold climate Bamboo because of the big, bold statement it makes but also because of its multi-faceted portfolio of usefulness. It is also commonly used in furniture making, most notably in Taiwan. Clumping Bamboo – Will NOT Become Invasive! Fantastic for screening, as a windbreak and noise barrier, has edible shoots (its common name is Sweet Shoot Bamboo!)

It muffles noise very effectively as well, keeps dust at bay AND provides shade for your stock.But wait – there’s more……….the culms of Oldhamii make excellent timber for construction of all manner of things as the straight culms are extremely strong.
As always, refer to our planting and maintenance guides available on purchase.We are a small, family business.

Flora of New Zealand, ed.


Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., U.S.A.Brako, L. & Zarucchi, J.L. (2010). Oldhamii is a large bamboo, so is suitable for large blocks or acreage properties. Most common giant timber bamboo in America - Clumping variety - will not become invasive Cold hardy down to 20 degrees - Zones 8 to 11 Usage - Specimen planting, hedge, screen, container - Height up to 55 feet and Cane diameter up to 4 inches Easy, extremely fast grower in full sun to full shade Oldhamii is without peer as a fast growing wind break and can reach a height of 8-10 mtrs in good growing conditions (this would not likely be achieved in most parts of Tasmania however) in only 2 to 3 yrs from planting.

& Williamson, H. (2006). The Tassie Timber industry, to understate the facts, has had its issues and I believe Tassie’s band of Hobby & small acre farmers could very easily and affordably, without harm to the existing resources (in fact saving them), supply the raw materials to an exploding industry in Bamboo manufactured products.

Brief: Bambusa oldhamii is native to China, and the most commonly cultivated clumping timber bamboo in the United States. Ok, the local building industry are a ways off using Bamboo but I’d be very happy to hear from handy men or artisans interested in plying their crafts with this amazing timber – fencing, furniture, toys etc, etc.Dinner anyone? This is the timber bamboo in 2001, about a year after it went into the ground. Watch this space!Oldhamii is an excellent solution to all manner of problem areas on larger blocks and farms with a natural footprint of 2-3mtrs yet it can be grown in a bed of 1.5mtrs at the expense of a little height. Bermudagrass, wild morning glory and some Agaves have been worse experiences than improper placement and control of bamboo, but bamboo is easily one of my worst invasive species experiences.

If your bed is narrower, you would need to space your plants the equivalent to the bed’s width. The greenhouse now stands where the arbors were originally.

2, 5: 1-650. It has been introduced into cultivation around the world; it is grown under glass in Walker, E.H. (1976). (1999). World Grass Species - Synonymy database. Yes, this big boy produces timber…………year in, year out in a completely sustainable, practical fashion. – If you aren’t looking to use your new shoots as future timber, perhaps you can harvest them and turn your hand to Asian cuisine as the shoots of Oldhamii are a sweet and much sought after food source – you might even have a ready market.Oldhamii is the species of Bamboo that I believe will create an industry in Tasmania that can, in part, solve a lot of Tasmania’s logging industry issues.

The clumping bamboos that will grow in our Southwest Georgia (USDA Zone 8b), coastal … (Bambusa oldhamii) Oldhamii is one of the best multi-use acreage bamboo species. It is densely foliated, growing up to 20 metres (65 feet) tall in good conditions, and can have a diameter of up to 10 centimetres (4 inches). (2012). This timber bamboo was planted from a 24inch box in 2000, image taken 2003. R.E.Owen, Government Printer, Wellington.Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.Edgar, E & Connor, H.E. We love Bamboo – what it can do for the garden, the State of Tasmania, the Planet and the soul.This is our chance to give back to mother earth and we’re grabbing it with both hands.

(1993). It is the most common and widely grown bamboo in the United States and has been introduced into cultivation around the world. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bambusa oldhamii Giant Timber Clumping Non-Invasive 12 in Clumping Root Division at the best online prices at … Bambusa oldhamii - Giant Timber Bamboo Clumping/non-invasive, new shoots Aug/Sept, semi-deciduous in 10a.

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