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542.4 542.4 456.8 513.9 1027.8 513.9 513.9 513.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buy Now!
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My analysis also tells the value of each pitching grade and adorn-ment, and of each flelding grade. 591.1 613.3 613.3 835.6 613.3 613.3 502.2 552.8 1105.5 552.8 552.8 552.8 0 0 0 0 Thomas Nelshoppen November 17, 2011 December 29, 2017 Card Analysis One of the great things about APBA in my mind, is the ability to look at an APBA card and know immediately what kind of a hitter he’ll be. /BaseFont/GRHWRO+CMR9 /Widths[319.4 552.8 902.8 552.8 902.8 844.4 319.4 436.1 436.1 552.8 844.4 319.4 377.8 Hey APBA Fans, I’m back with the second segment of 2017 by the Numbers. 687.5 312.5 581 312.5 562.5 312.5 312.5 546.9 625 500 625 513.3 343.8 562.5 625 312.5 Today, I’m going through the Pitching.

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