The Apache, in turn, raided Spanish settlements to seize cattle, horses, firearms, and captives of their own.

(Spanish adjective & masculine or feminine noun

Apache meaning: 1. a member of a tribe (= group) of Native Americans living mainly in the southwestern part of the….

Hodge, "American Indians," 1907), but this seems to have been the Zuni name for the Navajo.. French journalistic sense of "Parisian gangster or thug" first attested 1902; Apache dance was … (Spanish adjective & masculine or feminine noun Apache definition: a member of a Native American people, formerly nomadic and warlike , inhabiting the... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

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1745, from American Spanish (where it is attested by 1598), probably from Yavapai (a Yuman language) 'epache "people." The Chiricahua Apache, also written as Chiricagui, Apaches de Chiricahui, Chiricahues, Chilicague, Chilecagez, and Chiricagua, were given that name by the Spanish.The White Mountain Coyotero Apache, including the Cibecue and Bylas groups of the Western Apache, referred to the Chiricahua by the name Ha'i’ą́há, while the San Carlos Apache called them Hák'ą́yé which …

Traducir apache de español a Inglés. Before long, the prowess of the Apache in battle became legend. Spanish words for Apache include apache, apaché and apachar. Apache . Apache definition, a Parisian gangster, rowdy, or ruffian. apache definition in the Spanish definition dictionary from Reverso, apache meaning, see also 'apacible',apacentar',ápice',apacentarse', conjugation, Spanish vocabulary The Navajo-Apache group can be further classified into two subgroups 1) Navajo-Western Apache and 2) Eastern Apache.

Los apaches eran guerreros feroces y grandes estrategas

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Find words for apache in English in this Spanish-English dictionary. Spanish-Definition dictionary : translate Spanish words into Definition with online dictionaries Definition of APACHE in the dictionary.

Translation of apache at Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary.

The web server software was named to honor the Apache people, although much has been made of the fact that its design was "patchy" (constructed by assembling software patches). Bookstore: Digital and Print

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Meaning of APACHE. Merriam-Webster references for Mobile, Kindle, print, and more. From American Spanish apache, most likely from Zuni ˀa˙paču (“Navajos”). (English noun

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The most famous speaker of an Apache language was Geronimo who spoke Chiricahua Apache.

Reverso offers you a Spanish definition dictionary to search apache and thousands of other words.

Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more. You can complete the definition of apache given by the Spanish Definition K Dictionary dictionary with other dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Maria Moliner, Espasa Calpe, Grijalbo, Larousse, Wordreference, Real Academia, Diccionario, Babylon, Oxford, Collins Sometimes derived from Zuni apachu "enemy" (see F.W.

The Spanish settlements were without suitable defense, each frontier station having only five men poorly armed and almost no horses.

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Other Merriam-Webster Dictionaries Information and translations of APACHE in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

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