For more details on the exact schedule, see the Funds Availability Policy at  When you use your card at merchant establishments, they usually ask the bank if there is enough money available to cover the purchase. During this time, all of the deposit may not be available to spend. For each type of deposit, the speed at which the money can be collected is different. The BankMobile Vibe checking account is a digital-only, FDIC insured checking account with access to 55,000 fee-free Allpoint® ATMs, money management tools and a one-of-a-kind recognition program. With the Technology Access Account, you will be given an ASU email account that can be used both on and off campus through RamPort.

On some occasions, if parts of the technology systems are down, the daily limits may be lower. Unfortunately, pending card transactions do not yet contain details (like the identifier, name, and location of the merchant) that are required to initiate a claim.

If you need to make a special purchase with your card that exceeds the daily limit, contact a customer service representative at 1-877-278-1919. Angelo State University has partnered with BankMobile to deliver your financial aid refund. For more information about your refund choices, log in to your account at or call the OneCard Office at 325-942-2331. For questions or inquiries about your BankMobile Vibe Account and any transactions, contact a customer service representative at 1-877-278-1919. Our office hours are from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday, excluding University holidays.

DEPOSIT TO A BANKMOBILE VIBE CHECKING ACCOUNT – If you open a BankMobile Vibe checking account (upon identity verification), money is deposited the same business day BankMobile receives funds from our school. You can continue to use this account when you are no longer a student and BankMobile also offers an interest-bearing savings account. Your available balance equals your current balance plus or minus any holds or pending transactions. It will allow you to access network services in the labs, residence halls, via wireless, and from off-campus.

Even when you are no longer a student at ASU, you can continue to use your ASU OneCard and BankMobile Vibe Account through the expiration date printed on the front of your card. If you cannot remember either your log-in name (email address) or your password, contact BankMobile customer service at 1-877-278-1919. When prompted for a transaction type, choose Checking Account Withdrawal. Our goal is to provide friendly customer service to all faculty, staff, students, and parents. Angelo State University. However, if you deposit a paper check to your account, the full amount will not be available until the funds are released by the bank on which the check is written. Most student technology services at ASU are accessible with your Technology Access Account. It takes time from the date the check is deposited for the bank from which the check is drawn to release the funds. In general, your  BankMobile Vibe Account is designed to reduce the chances of an overdraft, but it is possible in some cases to overdraw your account. If possible, use an Allpoint® Network  The total amount of funds you can spend in a day using your card is $3,000.00: $500.00 in ATM withdrawals and $2,500.00 at a merchant or bank teller; the $2,500.00 may be in a combination of debit card swipe-and-sign, PIN transactions, or cash advance at a bank teller. Insert or swipe the card as indicated and follow the directions on the screen. Access to important campus news and deadlines.

Please review the fee schedule associated with the BankMobile Vibe Checking Account. If you have issues locating the email, you can get your user account when you bring your activated ASU OneCard to any general access computer lab. As a courtesy, the first $100 of your check-based deposits will be available the next business day – this is money that is being made available to you before the other bank has released the funds. Remember, you have fee-free access to over 55,000 Allpoint® Network  Banks charge other banks a fee each time they allow the other bank’s customers to use their ATMs. To view our required disclosures and contract with BankMobile, a Division of Customer Bank, Please select the button below. If the transaction is approved, a pending debit will be placed on your BankMobile Vibe Account for the amount of the purchase. For example, there are usually a few days between the time merchants receive authorization to withdraw funds and when they actually do it. This pending card transaction does not yet contain details on the name or location of the merchant. These fees may vary in amounts. Another example is for paper check deposits. When the merchant processes or completes the transaction, the amount of the purchase is debited from your BankMobile Vibe Account.

Angelo State University. If the transaction gets posted to your account as an actual charge, click on the “ You may also fax your claim forms to the Claim Fax Number at 1-877-504-1999. 2601 W. Avenue N San Angelo, Texas 76909; 1-800-946-8627; Contact ASU Use this interactive tool to help you figure out your tuition expenses.

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