Amorphophallus paeoniifolius is quite hardy in tropical areas when planted in rich, well-drained soil in a sheltered, humid position.

Propagation by Seeds : Most Amorphophallus are extremely easily raised from preferably fresh seeds.

Amorphophallus seed is usually large (average black peppercorn to date stone size) and easy to handle. Cleaning. Pests: The two major primary pests of Amorphophallus in cultivation are nematodes and root mealy bugs.

You have to login first We do not store any personal information. The plant prefers sandy and loamy moist soils. At that time you can start watering regularly and fertilizing the plant.

The unpleasant smell that the flower omits is only present for a few hours after the flower opens. I was disappointed but it was my fault I left it get too cold about 5 degrees. It's was very easy to germanate. In temperate areas the plant can be grown successfully as a container specimen. Here is also a very detailed growing journal of my client, Steve Lau, who purchased nearly 60 Titan seeds from me back then in early 2015. You have to login first Nu maar hopen dat het nu goed gaat. Difficult seeds may be forced to germinate in sphagnum.

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, the Elephant Yam, is a fantastic perennial tropical Aroid native to the Asian tropics, from India to New Guinea and Northern Australia.

Overwhelmingly beautiful flower that looks like the famous giant arum in botanical gardens, but can easily be grown.The only drawback is the fragrance that the plant spreads during its flowering, because it can (max. Germination takes 1-3 weeks approx. Hardiness zone 10, (1°C/35°F) in Winter. In the Spring, if the plant is mature enough, you will see the flowers, otherwise a leaf will sprout.

Furthermore, the tubers can reach a weight up to 10 kg. You can be sure that all your friends will visit you when it flowers. The leaf blade is much divided into hundreds of leaflets and can reach over 1 meter wide. They should start going dormant again in the Fall.

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, the Elephant Yam, is a fantastic perennial tropical Aroid native to the Asian tropics, from India to New Guinea and Northern Australia.

For the big brother, a large tropical greenhouse or a garden in the tropics is needed quickly. Elephant Yam (Amorphophallus...

The plant grows as a bulb out of the ground and dies away again after flowering. In temperate areas the plant can be grown successfully as a container specimen. Toen ik Onszaden vroeg wat ik fout deed, bleek dat de zaden waarschijnlijk niet vers genoeg waren en kreeg ik nieuwe!

They should start going dormant again in the Fall. Register now. The first few years, a leaf will appear, growing larger, until the plant is ready to bloom. This is another one that has to be seen to believe. CCV Shop

This plant produces a single inflorescence followed by a solitary leaf. Ample water is required during the growing season but the amount can be reduced dramatically during dormancy. At that time you can start watering regularly and fertilizing the plant. It will take a few years to reach flowering size but first year seedlings will produce attractive 3 or 4 tropical, 2 feet tall umbrella like leaves. 24°C. Amorphophallus will go dormant in the Winter. It has one of the largest flowers in the world. Amorphophallus. near my Amorphophallus to suppress nematode attacks!) It has one of the largest flowers in the world. Use single quotes (') for phrases.Use spaces to separate tags. Review must be approved by an administrator before being posted. De zaden die ik besteld had wilden maar niet kiemen. Amorphophallus will go dormant in the Winter. To procure without delay : This is another one that has to be seen to believe.

I think you need to keep it alive for the first winter so it can get big enough to grow the yam.

It can grow in semi-shade or no shade. Use single quotes (') for phrases.Polyter, fertilizer, water-retaining convenient for savings!

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