Pte; Thompson, James. Pte; Miller, Wilfrid.

Pte; Nickson, Richard. 2nd Lt; Mitchell, Alfred.

Sapper; Shaw, Edward. Stoker; White, George. Pte; Smith, John.

; Wild, James. Pte; Wade, James. Pte; Lingard, Joseph.

Pte; Vincent, George. Dvr; King, Walker. L/Sgt. L/Cpl; Strain, Hugh. Pte; Williamson, John.

Pte; Crangle, James. Pte; Loud, John.

Pte; Bodell, Alfred. Pte; Woodhead, Alfred.

Instr; Allison, John. Sgt; Eccles, Henry. Dvr; Sherliker, Thomas.

Gnr; Livesey, Joseph T. Pte; Lucas, John. Pte; Barton, Joseph. Cpl; Goodier, Fred. Pte; Halliwell, James.

Pte; Turner, Ephraim. Pte; Taylor, Albert V. Pte; Tipping, Joseph.

L/Cpl; Flowers, Richard. Alfred P. Pte; Murray, Fredk. Pte; Dunderdale, Matthias. Lieut; Reid, John. Pte; Darlington, Edward. Pte; Standing, Thomas A. Sgt; Starling, George T. L/Cpl; Stephen, William H. Pte; Stephenson, Laurence.

Pte; Ramsden, Leo. Pte; Wilson, John. ERA; Smellie, William. Pte; Vose, Frank. Gnr; Craven, Alfred E. Gnr; Crook, William. Pte; Harrison, John. L/Cpl; Swindlehurst, John. Pte.

RASC; Moorcroft, A. Pte.

Pte; Hind, Clifford. Pte; Wright, William. Pte; Cottam, Joseph.

Gnr; Clitheroe, Ivan.

ROYAL ARMY SERVICE CORPS: Allen, Richard. THE CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS: Kirby, Thomas P. Sapper.Walton's withdrawn Leyland National 2 LFR 872 X nearest the camera parked next to Duple 340 bodied DAF SB2300 C 659 PCX that was new to Cosgrove, Preston and a former Plymouth Park Royal bodied Leyland Atlantean that has been converted to an exhibition bus all parked in the yard at Walton's depot, Freckleton.

Unveiled 5th November 1927 by the Mayor of Preston. Pte; Hall, Charles. AB; White, William. Rifleman; Gilbert, Stephen S. Sgt; Harrison, William. L/Cpl; Molyneaux, Alfred. Gnr; Mee, Henry. Pte; Beesley, Thomas. Pte; Kay, Charles W. Lieut; Kay, Elijah. L/Cpl; Joyce, Joseph. Pte; Reeder, William. Sgt; Wilkinson, Jack. Pte; Baines, Albert. Gnr; Stringer, Robert. Pte; Watson, Fred. Pte. Pte; Hewitt, Ernest D. Pte; Hewitt, Henry. Pte; Naylor, John. THE WELCH REGIMENT: Chapman, William A. L/Cpl; Crook, William Pte; Fletcher, Hugh. Pte; Anyon, James. Preston was born on 18 January 1979, in the seaside town of Worthing in West Sussex. L/Cpl; Kemp, Robert. Sgnlr; Atkinson, Thomas. Pte; Moon, Henry.

Sgt. Pte; Bramwell, Norman. Pte; Reid, George. Pte; Atkinson, Frank. Pte; Tullis, Alex. Pte; Dunderdale, Ernest. Pte; Rawcliffe, Thomas. Pte; Whittle Charles. Pte; Wignall, Robert. Pte; Nelson, Thomas. Pte; Fryer, Henry. L/Cpl.

L/Cpl; O'Brien, H. Pte.

Pte; Kitchen, James. Pte; Parker, Anthony. Pte; McClarnan, Louis. Pte; Glaze, Francis.

L/Cpl; Chapman, John C. Pte; Chapples, George. Pte; Corless, John. Pte; Paley, Albert. Sapper; Tomlinson, John.

L/Cpl; Curwen, Richard.

Pte; Ware, Richard. Pte; Street, Richard. Cpl; Walker, John. Pte; Mogerley, Frederick C. Pte; Mulligan, John. Pte; Henderson, Thomas. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS: Ashcroft, William. Pte; Ashcroft, George. Sgt; McNeiry, David. Pte. Cpl; McDermott, James. CSM; Page, Ernest V. Sgt; Parker, James. L/Cpl; Settle, Sydney. Pte; Bentham, Walter. Sapper; Cookson, William. Pte; Heal, Henry W. Pte; Heaton, David. Frampton's JIG 2903 is a DAF SB3000 with Van Hool Alizee coachwork. L/Cpl; Gore, James. Pte. Ldg. Cpl; Taylor, Sydney. Pte. Pte; Fazackerley, Richard. Pte. Pte; Desmond, Arnold P. Pte; Desmond, Harold R. Cpl; De Veto, Anthony. Pte; Charnock, John. Pte; Beardsworth, Thomas. Pte; Banister, Maurice J. Lieut; Barnett, H.L.

Pte; Daggers, Joseph. Pte. Pte; Helm, James. Pte; Banister, Maurice J. Lieut; Barnett, H.L. L/Cpl; Chapman, Charles. Pte; Wilcock, Frank N. L/Cpl; Wilcock, William. Pte; Morland, Edward. Pte; Pierce, James. Pte; Smith, Philip T. Sgnlr; Sudell, Richard. Pte; Watson, Charles. L/Cpl; Helm, Albert. The lamp standard seen at the right was originally one of the tram stanchions employed along the Ashton (A) route.Yet another part of Preston that has changed beyond recognition is the north side of Fylde Road around the junction of Brook Street.

Pte. Pte; Whalley, Joseph. L/Cpl; Tomlinson, Henry.

Pte. Sgnlr; Heald, James H. Pte; Heaps, James. Sgt; Wright, Ernest J. Gnr; Wright, T. Gnr; Wynn, William.

Stoker; Sanderson, Robert. Pte; Duffy, James. Pte; Yates, Robert A. Pte. ; Swindlehurst, James. Pte; Slater, Abram R. Pte; Taylor, Edward J. Pte; Twist, John. Dvr; Garlington, Thomas. Sgt; Pitcher, William. L/Cpl; Sumner, Henry. Pte; Helm, Fred.

Pte; Sandham, Robert. In William Street coach park, Scarborough 8/7/17Day's seemed to have acquired a batch of VJI registrations although the vehicles carrying them were not consecutively numbered.

Pte; Martindale, Richard. Pte; Wadeson, William H. Pte; Woods, Joseph M. L/Cpl. Dvr; Dunderdale, Alfred. Pte; Vincent, George. Pte; Harrison, William. THE ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT: Billington, Joseph.

The Regiments are gilded, the names painted. Pte; Helm, Henry. Pte; Hamilton, Samuel. Cpl. L/Cpl; Duckworth, William. Pte; Moss, Robert. Pte; Bessell, Charles. Gnr; Dodgson, Herbert. Sgnlr; Crozier, Richard L. Bdr; Davies, John F. Shoeing Smith; Dawson, Edward. Pte; Garstang, James.

Dvr; Aspden, Arthur. Pte; Strickland, Thomas A. Pte; Sumner, John C. Pte; Sumner, Thomas.

Pte; Thompson, Henry. Pte; Rooney, Patrick. DMR; Ingram, Joseph. Sgt; Bibby, Robert H. Pte; Billington, Alfred. Pte; Vose, Frank.

Pte; Dunderdale, Richard. Pte; Gillett, Thomas. Pte; Garstang, John. Pte; Pinless, Frank. ; Brown, Francis. Pte; Robinson, Robert. ARMY CYCLIST CORPS: Rowles, Albert. This organization is not BBB accredited. THE NORTHAMPSTONSHIRE REGIMENT: Bowerham, James. Unveiled 5th November 1927 by the Mayor of Preston. The panels are set in the angles of the two main staircases, and face the main doors. 2nd Hand; Banks, Robert. Pte; Harrison, William.

Pte. Sgt; Moore, Keith H. Lieut; Morley, Richard. Cpl; Parkinson, Thomas.


Cpl; Storey, Joseph.

Pte; Lamb, James. Pte; Paley, Albert. Pte; Hothersall, Herbert E. Pte; MacLachlan, Alex. ARMY CYCLIST CORPS: Rowles, Albert. Pte. Pte; Parker, William H. Pte; Peacock, George.

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