Applicants should also possess the will to explore and improve!Tuition for participation in the full program is $295/student.

The 2020 program will cater to the literary genres of We’ll notify you when two weeks and one week remain to apply to the 2021 Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program. The Writer’s Statement should detail the applicant’s specific interest in pursuing the Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program. We want to know. All rights reserved. Gen Do It. Prose – up to 3 pieces at a time, 9,000 words maximum (across pieces). Students have subsequently been recognized through the National YoungArts Foundation & United States Presidential Scholar in the Arts designation, the National Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, and the Foyle Young Poet of the Year Awards, among a plethora of others. Students have subsequently been recognized through the Applicants should possess firm work ethic and some familiarity with the writing and workshop process, and should be comfortable with receiving (and giving) commentary and critique. If you do not have an account, you can create a free account in less than one minute.To provide you with better service, please login to your account.

As always, the more specifics, the better. We’re here to provide a change of pace: some good news.We adore the mentorship program — don’t tell anyone else, but it’s the area of the journal about which I am the most passionate! The 2017 program will cater to the literary genres of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.

Say Hello! This non-profit organization matches talented, energetic, and passionate students with paid and unpaid internships where they get … Please read submission guidelines located under the 'Submit' tab on The Adroit Journal's website. Back to Mentorship. Art - up to 6 pieces at a time, both black/white & color accepted. Replies to: Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program 2020 #41. saintanford 5 replies 0 threads New Member. Therefore, applications received earlier in the window are more likely to receive strong consideration. Schaefer, Rob Shapiro, Raena Shirali, Gabriella R. Tallmadge, Alexandra Tanner, Courtney Faye Taylor, Claire Wahmanholm, Noah Warren, Keith S. Wilson, and Jane Wong.program, rather than simply in a summer program writing or reading or editing. Kwon, Rachel Khong, & Cathy Park Hong for Point Reyes BooksThe Strand Presents Fatima Bhutto with Susan Abulhawa: The RunawaysGreen Apple Books Presents: Lysley Tenorio and Bruce Snider

Prose - up to 3 pieces at a time, 9,000 words maximum (across pieces). We're here to provide a change of pace: some good news. Grades: Rising college students, college students Cost: Free. Why this workshop? Copyright © 2010-2019, The Adroit Journal.

Applicants should possess firm work ethic and some familiarity with the writing and workshop process, and should be comfortable with receiving (and giving) commentary and critique. Please note that applications for this year’s program will be accepted from March 16, 2017 until seats are filled or until April 7, 2017, whichever comes first. 8.5K Views 133 Replies 0 points Most recent by redLamps July 19 Summer Programs. Email. The aim of the mentorship program is not formalized instruction, but rather an individualized, flexible, and often informal correspondence. If you wish to do so, you may also upload an Academic Transcript to supplement your application. Again, why 15.2K Views 186 Replies 2 points Most recent by aqua36 July 19 Summer … A National Poetry Quarterly Best of Issue scholarship recipient, she is the 2017 Critical Pass Junior Poet, a 2017 Teen Sequin, the author of 2 self-published novels, and a 2017 Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship poetry mentee. Here’s the biggest one we can give: in the statement, tell us why you want to spend your summer in this program, rather than simply in a summer program writing or reading or editing. ISSN 2577-9427.Abbreviated State - ex: CA (or, if International, Country)Dorothy Chan, Mario Chard, Elaine Hsieh Chou, Lucas Church, Claudia Cortese, Caroline Crew, Melissa Crowe, Meg Day, Dana Diehl, Ryan Dzelzkalns, Natalie Eilbert, Megan Fernandes, Kate Folk, Aricka Foreman, Michael Frazier, Melissa Goodrich, Andrew Gretes, Emily Harnden, Faylita Hicks, Noor Hindi, Ben Hoffman, Erin Jones, Sophie Klahr, Keith Leonard, Ben Loory, Angie Sijun Lou, Erinrose Mager, LaTanya McQueen, Rachel Mennies, Aram Mrjoian, José Olivarez, Emilia Phillips, Alycia Pirmohamed, Ruben Quesada, Michelle Ross, Leslie Sainz, C.A.

The Writer’s Statement (between 1-2 pages double-spaced) should detail the applicant’s specific interest in pursuing The Adroit Journal’s summer mentorship program. While we of course suggest mentioning your experience and accomplishment with the writing and workshop processes, we will evaluate applications looking primarily for demonstrated passion and interest. A perfect opportunity for high school students to work one-on-one with a professional writer! Summer Mentorship Program — Details & Guidelines; Student Achievements; Mentorship College Matriculation List; The Adroit Prizes; Djanikian Scholars; Blog; Contact. The Writing Sample should consist of between four and five poems or between eight and ten pages of fiction or nonfiction (excerpts acceptable). Don’t be afraid to be creative and original.The Writing Sample should consist of between four and five poems or between eight and twelve double-spaced pages of fiction or nonfiction (excerpts acceptable).

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