The distribution of characteristics of the unmatched students is likely to be different from those who have been matched, particularly because students from independent schools are more likely to be high achievers. Information is provided for both specific and broad ethnic groups where possible and when the data is available. These kind of differences – from similar GCSE results for Black and White students to such different A-level and degree results need further investigation. In the downloads, percentages and scores are given to one decimal place.

Surprisingly, we see white students gaining significant ground on ethnic minority students with 30.9% of white students gaining a first class degree (*).

From 2016, DfE only included students who were studying A levels solely, not combined with any other type of qualification. 16 to 18 study typically covers school years 12 and 13. For matched students this figure was 10.5%, and for unmatched students it was 25.6%.

To my mind the headline figures from the above statistics are as follows So what needs explaining from the above is why Chinese and Indian children do so well, and why Black Carribean children underachieve, and why Irish traveler and Gypsy Roma children do so badly.In terms of impact of research it’s probably worth focusing on Chinese, Indian and Black Caribbean children because there are many more of these than of the last two ethnic groups. A final point to note about these statistics is that it doesn’t seem useful to lump together ‘Black’ and Asian’ students because there are SIGNIFICANT differences in the achievement rates within these groups. Between 2011 and 2015, DfE included students who were entered for at least one A level, which may have been combined with other, different qualifications. This is because, where the size of the ethnic group population is small enough that an individual’s identity could be revealed, information is suppressed to preserve confidentiality. The Department for Education makes it very easy to access Attainment 8 is a way of representing all GCSE results as a single percentage!

This data uses categories from the Department for Education’s school census, which is broadly based on the 2001 national census, with 3 exceptions:

Other reasons include moving to England after the date of the census collection or taking longer than 3 years to complete A levels after finishing GCSEs. Chinese students were consistently most likely to achieve 3 A grades or better at A level and Traveller of Irish Heritage students and Gypsy/Roma students were least likely to withheld to protect confidentiality

Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The numerator and denominator figures for all students is not available, as publishing this information would compromise suppression. For each year, the percentage achieving 3 A grades or better at A level for all students has been taken from the A level and other level 3 results from the SFR (revised) and the numerator and denominator figures have been marked as missing.

(1)The education statistics above form part of the government’s Ethnicity Facts and Figures series, you can check out a wider range of statistical evidence on ethnicity and life chances by (*) WTF – 30% – sorry kids, but a lot of those first class degrees are probably down to grade inflation, which in turn is probably down to the fact that students are now paying £30 K for yer for their degrees.

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