Britannica does not review the converted text. The atmosphere on Mars creates wind that creates dust storms. One wind turbine could power up to 500 homes. Katie could not sleep. This movement of air is what we call wind. Top 10 facts about wind Not only has the weather become very windy but today is the 75th anniversary of the premiere of the 1939 multi-Oscar winning film Gone With The Wind. In 2011, the top wind power producing state in the United States was Texas.

These clouds are moving at different speeds, and in different directions. Wind energy facts for kids : Facts about hunger in africa : White peach nutrition facts. The strongest winds seen on a planet in our solar system are on Neptune and Saturn.. Short bursts of fast winds are called gusts.Strong winds that go on for about one minute are called squalls. The production of wind energy does not produce pollution. Wind is the flow of gases.On Earth, wind is mostly the movement of air.In outer space, solar wind is the movement of gases or particles from the sun through space. Wind is air that is moving from place to place. Interesting Wind Energy Facts: Wind mills date all the way back to the year 2000 BC where they were used in China. Wind can be used to produce electricity that heats homes and lights streets and buildings. The most powerful wind happens during storms called tornadoes, cyclones, and hurricanes. …

Wind power is an alternative energy source.

Storytime Sunday – A Windy Day By, C.D. Those clouds blow the same as wind both eastward and westward, at extreme speed and temperature. “I don’t like the wind,” Katie said to Grandma, who was sitting on the sofa reading her book. Lee.

Now for some really cool and fun facts about this renewable source of energy: Around 3% of the electricity in the United States actually comes from wind power, which is a huge amount considering the fact it is fairly recent technology. Wind Energy Facts For Kids. Wind is the movement of air near Earth’s surface. Fun Facts about Wind Power. Texas was followed by Iowa, California, Minnesota, and Illinois. By continuing to use this site, you consent to the terms of our cookie policy, which can be found in our Wind can be a gentle breeze or a strong gale.

Related Articles This means that the power of the wind can be used in place of other energy sources such as coal , oil , and nuclear reactions . We’ve been busy, working hard to bring you new features and an updated design. The wind rattled against the windows.

For a wind turbine to make money it must be placed in a spot with an average annual wind speed of 15 miles per hour. Activities Wind Energy Facts Enjoy a range of interesting wind energy facts which help explain how we use wind power to create electricity and other useful forms of energy. For example, windmills create mechanical energy, sails move boats and wind turbines generate electricity. Warm air rises, and cold air then rushes in underneath to replace it. Please note: Text within images is not translated, some features may not work properly after translation, and the translation may not accurately convey the intended meaning. Light winds, called breezes, rustle leaves and twigs. Learn how long humans have been using windmills, how big wind turbines can be, how much of the world’s electricity is generated from wind power and much more. New # 2. Kids Fun Facts Corner # 1. European countries tend to utilize wind energy more than other countries because of their favorable climate conditions. She was staying at the seaside with Grandma and Alfie the dog, in Grandma’s camper. Enjoy a range of interesting wind energy facts which help explain how we use wind power to create electricity and other useful forms of energy.Learn how long humans have been using windmills, how big wind turbines can be, how much of the world’s electricity is generated from wind power and much more.Wind power involves turning energy from the wind into other forms of useful energy.Wind power can be harnessed in a number of different ways.

The stunning rings around Saturn are clouds of Rock, Dust & Ice. We hope you and your family enjoy the To share with more than one person, separate addresses with a commaChoose a language from the menu above to view a computer-translated version of this page. Windmills have been around for a long time, they were used in Persia (Iran) as far back as 200 B.C.Large groups of wind turbines are called wind farms.Around 80 different countries use wind power to generate electricity commercially (as of 2009).In 1997 wind power generated only 0.1% of the world’s electricity, this increased to 1.5% in 2008 and 2.5% in 2010.In some countries such as Denmark and Portugal, wind power contributes around 20% of the total electricity production.The large blades of wind turbines can interfere with some radar systems used by weather stations or air traffic controls, at times being mistaken for planes or various weather patterns.Smaller turbines are sometimes used to charge batteries or as backup power in caravans and sailing ships.Modern wind turbines usually have 3 blades which can reach speeds at the tip of over 320 kph (200 mph).The tips of large wind turbines can reach heights up to 200 m (650ft).Wind turbines can even be installed offshore on floating structures, sending the electricity generated back to land with the help of undersea cables.

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