At Tribal Council, though Aubry initially wrote down Julia's name, she crossed it out and voted for Peter instead, joining Julia, Tai and Scot in sending him out of the game. After Jason's elimination, Tai tried to make amends with his alliance after he was left out of the plan, and confronted Aubry about her betrayal. At Tribal Council, Peter revealed the plan to eliminate Neal but, when the votes were revealed, they were tied two apiece between Aubry, Liz, and Peter. She joined the tribe that lost the next Immunity Challenge, Gondol, the day after their Tribal Council.There was no reward challenge due to the tribe switch.Julia drew the sole To Tang buff during the tribe swap. She chose Neal.Julia was initially exiled after drawing the sole To Tang buff during the tribe swap.

The non-tied castaways were invited to re-vote between the tied castaways, but they elected to stand by their initial vote, thus forcing a deadlocked tie. The next day, Tai tried to rationalize his betrayal to Jason, explaining that he was afraid that he and Scot were going to betray him, but it failed to diffuse Jason's anger. Tai decided to join his alliance in sabotaging the tribe, and doused the fire. At Tribal Council, Tai voted against Cydney, forcing a tie between her and Aubry. On both tribes, the Brains and Brawn planned to eliminate a Beauty due to Beauty Julia joining the losing tribe. Though she was spared again at Tribal Council, Alecia was still on the outs of the Brawn tribe.

Back at camp, the majority alliance — Michele included — chose to target Julia over Jason for her challenge and social prowess, but Cydney and Michele later debated between voting against Julia or Tai. Tai then deviated from the plan and voted against Jason, while the five women and Joe united to send Nick to the jury. Michele came from behind to win the challenge, narrowly beating Tai. He chose Aubry to join him on the trip; when given the chance to bring another castaway, Joe deferred to Aubry, who picked Cydney. I tried to follow the edit in the premier.

As there were only four castaways remaining, the two tied castaways competed in a fire making duel to resolve the tie.No vote; Caleb was medically evacuated from the game.No vote; Neal was medically evacuated from the game.No vote; Joe was medically evacuated from the game.Cydney lost to Aubry in the fire-making tiebreaker.Aubry, Liz and Peter were not eligible to vote in the second round of voting.Tai played an extra vote advantage, allowing him to cast two ballots during a single vote.Julia was exiled after drawing the sole To Tang buff during the tribe swap. Later at the Beauty camp, Tai reluctantly helped kill one of their chickens, but was comforted by the rest of his tribe except for Nick, who offered no empathy. She considered eliminating Joe for his unfaltering loyalty to Aubry, Neal for his loyalty to Aubry and persuasiveness, or Scot for being the victim of Tai's biggest move in the game. Aubry had a panic attack and was consoled by her tribe mates, but they worried about her behaviour.

Koh Rong island is a relatively new commune, only established in 2000.In January 2019, a government sub-decree established Koh Rong is the biggest of the islands off the coast of Although most of the island's surface is still covered in forest, many years of illegal logging have seriously affected the quality and health of the jungle. Back at camp, the minority alliance of Jason, Scot and Tai regrouped, and Jason and Tai officially revealed their idols to each other. Neal was evacuated from the game after the doctor judged that an infected wound on his knee could possibly worsen and affect his joint, and Tribal Council was cancelled. Since 2000 the Department of Fisheries is the principal government agency responsible for management of living aquatic resources. However, Aubry — wanting to work with Tai and not Julia — recruited Cydney and Joe to switch the target to Scot instead; needing one more vote, she propositioned Tai, who weighed both options. Beauty placed first, with Brains in second. Needing one more vote, the women then tried to recruit Julia instead.

The Brawn-Beauty alliance formulated a plan to split the votes between Aubry and Neal to flush out Neal's idol.

Joe, wary of Peter's behavior, confronted him and the two argued. He later bonded with Caleb despite their vastly different personalities and lifestyles. Though the Brawn lost three of the first four immunity challenges, being reduced to only Cydney, Jason, and Scot, all three survived through the tribe swap, reaching the merge alongside four Brains and four Beauties. Though the minority alliance of Jason, Scot and Tai had two hidden immunity idols, Aubry convinced Tai to betray his allies, getting rid of one of the idols and joining the majority.Aubry and Cydney were the primary strategists of their alliance, and turned against each other when there were four players remaining; Aubry won the tiebreaker to join Michele and Tai in the finals.
A well-liked figure by his tribemates in Kaôh Rōng, Caleb was able to form relationships with virtually everyone on the Gondol tribe, most notably Tai Trang. The pairs were divided by random draw; Jason did not compete.

Back at camp, Michele—already distraught after her ally Anna's elimination—worried that her performance in the challenge would make her a target, but Debbie assured her that she was safe, and the two aligned against Jason. Wednesday night's Survivor made for anxious, gripping, uncomfortable TV. Beauty placed first, while Brawn beat Brains by mere inches to win their first challenge.

Later that day, the tribes merged.

The Chan Loh tribe was Brains Debbie and Neal, Brawns Cydney and Jason, and Beauties Michele and Nick; the Gondol tribe was Brains Aubry, Joe and Peter, Beauties Anna and Tai, and lone Brawn Scot; Julia was exiled.

Nick told Michele not to align with Debbie, but Michele didn't appreciate Nick's patronizing attitude.

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