“However we need to differentiate between things that are really creative and things that are sort of creative but holding us up – we can automate those things with AI.” It has also brought innovation and resilience.With coronavirus lockdowns around the world beginning to ease, the global public health conversation looks set to turn back towards climate change. Next Media sẽ là đối tác thương mại độc quyền của Dailymotion tại Việt Nam và tư vấn, hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp địa phương quảng cáo trên nền tảng video này. “AI has nothing to do with human brains,” she argued. OUR NETWORK. The bot then let the commenter know that their comment was unacceptable and gave reasons why. Ngoài ra, Next Media đã đàm phán và mua thành công thêm các trận đấu có sự góp mặt của đội tuyển Malaysia và UAE gồm: UAE-Indonesia (ngày 10.10.2019), Malaysia-Thái Lan (ngày 14.11.2019), Malaysia-Indonesia (ngày 19.11.2019), UAE-Malaysia (ngày 26.3.2020) và UAE - Thái Lan (ngày 4.6.2020) Also that one key role AI will play in the future is to analyse unstructured data, creating personalised systems – not just for segments but for individuals.Mari-Sanna went on to talk about how the skills offered by humans and AI tools, are totally different. The key progress of recent years has been to understand unstructured data – content, pictures video and text, as well as the centrality of language.”Ultimately IBM has invested a lot on AI that can read and understand content.Thomas then ran through a brief overview of types of things IBM does with AI and the media and the challenges IBM faces around deploying AI in media.He said that the first projects were largely summarising content or highlight clipping. Welcome to Next Media, the premiere leader in SPORTS & DIGITAL media. “However we need to differentiate between things that are really creative and things that are sort of creative but holding us up – we can automate those things with AI.”Exploring wider opportunities that eCommerce potentially affords publishersHow specific publishers are successfully leveraging ecommerce opportunities2020 was always set to be a transformative year for advertising. She added that she has personally been involved in hundreds of AI projects, but realised that some media companies had not been impressed by what AI had done for them.Mari-Sanna then ran through a series of case studies from different media houses and how they are harnessing AI to solve key issues.Thomas then spoke about a research project that was undertaken last year where IBM created a machine with a deep understanding of text and content that was able to debate with humans. However, no one anticipated quite how profoundly our sector would change this year. Across the digital media space, this sudden shift “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” It seems like Dickens’ quote represents 2020 more than anything. ICTnews - Đại diện của Next Media vừa công bố đã chính thức khởi kiện đơn vị truyền hình trả tiền có số lượng thuê bao lớn nhất là SCTV ra Tòa án nhân dân TP.HCM, vì vi phạm bản quyền giải đấu AFF Suzuki Cup 2018 của Next Media trên hạ tầng truyền hình trả tiền. Dailymotion và Next Media hợp tác thương mại độc quyền tại Việt Nam. The AI categorised comments so they might be deemed irrelevant, violent or explicit. SEE MORE. The machine learning algorithm is only a part of the tools needed.”“If the data is not good quality,” she continued. “91 per cent is something else. The key progress of recent years has been to understand unstructured data – content, pictures video and text, as well as the centrality of language.”Ultimately IBM has invested a lot on AI that can read and understand content. “Or there is not enough data, or the people who are running the project are inexperienced, it doesn’t matter how good the tools are the project will not succeed.”Mari-Sanna then went on to explain the way machine learning algorithms have potentially three key roles in the media:In terms of efficiency she suggested that AI could automatically moderate user content, give feedback on articles, increase the number of visitors to a website, increase advertising income, engage users better  and ultimately decrease manual work.“AI can also improve the quality of the overall media package by removing spam and hate speech,” she added. “Humans are very good at creativity, imagining things and thinking.

“As unlike humans machines don’t get tired when doing moderation work. For an AI project to succeed you require tools, data and a data scientist. COVID-19 has rewritten the ad landscape, from the content and platforms consumers use, OPINION Before COVID-19, balancing purpose with profit was seen by many as an idealistic but unrealistic goal. “We have deployed it real life in sports where you have a lot of content, like tennis or golf, and you want to narrow it down to what people want to see.”The golf clips were created without sports metadata, instead they were informed by the excitement of commentator to underline what was relevant.

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