The name and coat of arms of the present state go back to the Germanic tribe of Saxons.
The State Gallery features art from the 11th to the 20th centuries.
Lower Saxony is home, in 2017, to one in five of Germany's Mining has also been an important source of income in Lower Saxony for centuries.
Geschichte Niedersachsens History of Lower-Saxony (in German).
Certainly, a settlement did grow up here next of the River Leine.
At the end of the Seven Years' War, Saxony once again became an independent state. Hambuhren, Lower Saxony : a military history,1939-1999.
It is the second-largest state by land area, with 47,624 km2, and fourth-largest in population among the 16 Länder federated as the Federal Republic of Germany.
Several of the regions listed here are part of other, larger regions, that are also included in the list. There are state theatres at History The state of Lower-Saxony was founded in 1946 by the British military administration, who merged the former states of Brunswick, Oldenburg, and Schaumburg-Lippe with the former Prussian province of Hanover.
The work of converting Saxony was given to Although the opposition in Saxon territories to Christian teaching had been obstinate only a few decades before, the Saxons grew accustomed to the new system. Lower Saxony borders on the North Sea, the states of Schleswig-Holstein…
description Object description. Lower Saxony borders on (from north and clockwise) the The northwestern area of Lower Saxony, which lies on the coast of the North Sea, is called Lower Saxony's major cities and economic centres are mainly situated in its central and southern parts, namely Hanover, Braunschweig, Osnabrück, Wolfsburg, Most of the state's territory was part of the historic Lower Saxony has a natural boundary in the north in the North Sea and the The state is dominated by several large rivers running northwards through the state: the The state's economy, population, and infrastructure are centred on the cities and towns of Hanover, Stadthagen, Celle, Braunschweig, Wolfsburg, Hildesheim, and Salzgitter.
During the The establishment of permanent boundaries between what later became Lower Saxony and Westphalia began in the 12th century.
(Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany) Hanover's name is thought to derive from the word 'honovere', which means 'high bank'.
The Minister-President heads the state government, acting as a head of state (even if the federated states have the status of a state, they don't established the office of a head of state but merged the functions with the head of the executive branch) as well as the government leader.
The name of this tribe, the Saxons, was first mentioned by the Greek author Ptolemy.
The towns and cities of Lower Saxony often exude idyllic, and sometimes maritime, charm. The towns and cities of Lower Saxony often exude idyllic, and sometimes maritime, charm. The history of Saxony consists of what was originally a small tribe living on the North Sea between the Elbe and Eider River in the present Holstein. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.
History at your fingertips
Lower Saxony offers bustling metropolitan life in cities such as Hannover, Brunswick and Osnabrück, yet also peace, quiet and relaxation in secluded countryside.
Frederick II of Prussia chose to attack preemptively and invaded Saxony in August 1756, precipitating the Seven Years' War. However, as regards customs and peculiarities of speech, the designation Following the Thirty Years' War, Saxony's rulers and population were In 1756, Saxony joined the coalition of Austria, France and Russia against Prussia. In rural areas, Northern Low Saxon and Saterland Frisian are still spoken, but the number of speakers is declining.
Discover the past of Lower Saxony on historical maps.
Our collections.
Spotting Point at Hanover Airport : Rating: 8.60: If you like to look at airplanes, then there is an equipped observation deck near Hanover Airport.
Whether or not this is true is still subject to debate. Important branches today are the tourism industry with In October 2018 the unemployment rate stood at 5.0% and was marginally higher than the national average.Since 1948, politics in the state has been dominated by the rightist The state of Lower Saxony was formed after World War II by merging the former states of Hanover, Oldenburg, Brunswick and Schaumburg-Lippe.
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The north and northwest of Lower Saxony are mainly made up of coarse sandy soil that makes crop farming difficult and therefore grassland and cattle farming are more prevalent in those areas.
Hence the probably most important function of the federal states is their representation in the Federal Council (Bundesrat), where their approval on many crucial federal policy fields, including the tax system, is required for laws to become enacted.
The majority of historic territories whose land now lies within Lower Saxony were sub-principalities of the medieval, Welf estates of the Over the course of time two great principalities survived east of the Weser: the The forerunners of today's state of Lower Saxony were lands that were geographically and, to some extent, institutionally interrelated from very early on.
The legislative assembly is a unicameral parliament elected for terms of five years.
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