His Twitter account was targeted by a racist hacker last week.The actor, 27, was joined by his girlfriend Maika Monroe, 26, and his adorable Australian Shepherd puppy Tina as he grabbed a refreshing juice.Outing: Stranger Things star Joe Keery appeared for the first time since the 'deeply upsetting' incident as he stepped out in Santa Monica on MondayWearing a dark polo shirt with green Nike shorts, the TV star drank a green juice as he enjoyed the California weather.Joe also wore his hair slicked back like his character in the Netflix hit and brought a pair of shades for the rare outing.Maika, an actress and professional kiteboarder, kept casual for the outing in a baggy T-shirt, shorts and shades.The couple have been dating since 2017, but are fairly private about their relationship online. Classic look: The Netflix star wore his hair in its iconic slicked back style as he carried his Australian Shepherd puppy TinaUnfortunate: Joe was targeted by a hacker last week, with his popular Twitter account flooded with racist and otherwise insensitive commentsThe worst of the comments featured the N-word and claimed Keery was 'molested' on the set of Stranger Things. Joe Keery's Net Worth. What a bummer that someone would go to such great lengths to spread hate.' Show...Armie Hammer plays golf SHIRTLESS in the Cayman Islands amid...Donald Trump is escorted out of briefing room as Secret Service shoot man outside White House - then returns...Alyssa Milano shows off her shocking hair loss as a result of COVID-19 and is considered 'long hauler' after...Father shoots dead his 11-year-old terminally ill daughter before turning the gun on himself in murder...Millions of unemployed will NOT get $400-a-week boost this week Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin admits...New US COVID-19 cases drop to the lowest in a month after infections surpass 5 million after spread slows...Could your mask help SPREAD coronavirus? Children are heard screaming for help after gas explosion leveled three Baltimore homes, killing one woman and seriously injuring six others as rescuers continue to search for possible survivorsPrinces William and Harry are trying to mend 'hurtful' rift and 'make their way back to each other but it will take some time' Finding Freedom author claimsBig Ten 'cancels fall football season with an eye towards playing in the spring' as other 'Power Five' conferences mull postponing 2020 campaign amid coronavirus pandemic That's not antivirus! Scientists discover fleece neck gaiters MULTIPLY infectious droplets while N95s and cotton masks work best to protect you and reduce transmission 'We're coming for you': Mayor Lightfoot's warning to looters who ransacked Chicago in night of 'straight-up criminality' that saw 100 arrests and 13 cops injured - as racial tensions flare nationwideFBI agents were searching for video evidence of Jake Paul's Arizona mall looting incident when they raided the YouTuber's Calabasas mansion and emerged with assault riflesNY AG Letitia James lied about her age for a decade (she's 61), supported 'phony' settlement deal for Weinstein victims and had her sights set on NRA years ago when she called it a 'terror organization'Rachael Ray's state-of-the-art kitchen SURVIVES fire that ripped through her upstate 200-acre New York property that is so remote there were no hydrants for miles, as she confirms her family - and dog - are OKLebanese PM and his cabinet RESIGN over explosion that killed 160: Pressure mounts on Hezbollah-backed President as government collapses and country teeters on the brink amid furious protests over disaster Explosives expert claims Beirut explosion that killed 160 was caused by burning military missiles - not ammonium nitrate - because the blast cloud was orange not yellow Victoria's Secret mogul Les Wexner may be forced to explain his ties to Jeffrey Epstein as he's hit with subpoena by pedophile's ex lawyer, Alan Dershowitz in defamation case against Virginia GiuffreAngelina Jolie seeks removal of private judge in Brad Pitt divorce case... as she claims they failed to disclose a 'business relationship' with one of the actor's attorneys'Come get us, we're stuck!'
We are no longer accepting comments on this article.Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media GroupMoment Donald Trump is escorted out press conference by secret service as White House goes into lockdown over 'active shooter' outside... but returns minutes later to reveal they 'SHOT suspect' Alyssa Milano, 47, shows shocking hair loss 'from COVID-19' as she reveals she's considered a 'long hauler' after feeling symptoms in April and says 'Wear a damn mask' Father shoots dead his 11-year-old terminally ill daughter before turning the gun on himself in murder suicide while his wife was cooking breakfast Millions of unemployed will NOT get $400-a-week boost this week Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin admits saying 'most states' might be able to pay 'in next week or two' New US COVID-19 cases drop to the lowest in a month after infections surpass 5 million and spread slows rapidly in previously out- of-control sunbelt statesCould your mask help SPREAD coronavirus? To be precise, Keery has maintained his weight up to 163 pounds, which translates to 74 kg in general. Posting an apology last Monday, he said: 'Hey everyone, I was hacked as I'm sure everyone knows. Joe Keery is a 28 year old American Actor. On monetary terms, he made $30,000 for each episode plus bonus, for the first season of Stranger Things. Children are heard screaming for help after gas explosion leveled three...Princes William and Harry are trying to mend 'hurtful' rift and 'make their way back to each other but it...Big Ten and Pac-12 'cancel fall football schedules with an eye towards playing in the spring' as other...That's not antivirus! He is active in the movie industry for two years now. Joe Keery is responding to fan outrage after the “Stranger Things” star went to the chopping block and nixed his beloved hair so many have come to admire. Heinz is the widow of former U.S. His zodiac sign is Taurus.
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