They do not represent the opinions of I bought that horse for the affairs of Egypt, brother. use "egypt" in a sentence The pyramids began to appear in Egypt around 2700 B. C. The stepped sides of the pyramids in Egypt were once smooth, and not climbable. We felt we were actually in Egypt and our spirits rose. 0. This was the story of Egypt. cease to appear on Industrial relations with Egypt are also marked by the occurrence of a series of finds of pottery and other objects of Minoan fabric among the remains of the XVIIIth, XIIth and even earlier dynasties, while the same seafaring enterprise brought In this year he was offered the command of the newly formed On his arrival at Cairo, however, the offer was withdrawn and he only obtained the command of the The vegetation of the hot and dry region of the south-west of the continent consists largely of plants which are diffused over Africa, Baluchistan and Sind; many of these extend into the hotter parts of India, and not a few common The restored state of Jerusalem lived for about six centuries in partial independence under Persian, This combination of the contemplative life and the life of learning had already developed in the (1883); Ancient Empires of the East (1884); Introduction to Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (1885); Assyria (1885); Hibbert Lectures on Babylonian Religion (1887); The Hittites (1889); Races of the Old Testament (1891); Higher Criticism and the Verdict of the Monuments (1894); Patriarchal Palestine (1895); The Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotus (1895); Early History of the Hebrews (1897); Israel and the Surrounding Nations (1898); Babylonians and Assyrians (1900); One Greek writer, Achemachus, identified Proserpine with the In the war which followed between Antigonus and the other Macedonian chiefs, Seleucus actively co-operated with Ptolemy and commanded His intervention in the west was solicited by Ptolemy, Ceraunus, who, on the accession to the A fragmentary fresco taken from a tomb at Medum was desposited some years ago, though in a decaying condition, in the Museum of In later ages the representations of birds of one sort or another in By the side of the sea in the piazzetta, on to which the west facade of the ducal palace faces, stand two ancient columns of Thus in the Persian Wars, it deprived Athens of the wisdom of Xanthippus and Aristides, while at the battle of Tanagra and perhaps at the time of the of the VIth Dynasty, as well as his pyramid in the necropolis, was named Mn - nfr, and this gradually became the usual designation of the whole city, becoming Menfi, Membi in late It has, however, certain characteristics which cause it to be in demand even in the United States, where during recent years Yannovitch, a variety known since about 1897, yields the finest and most silky lint of the white Nothing definite can be said with regard to a rotation of crops Sea Island Cotton - Carolina Sea Island Florida „ „ Georgia „ Barbados „ „ A similar, but larger machine, requiring about horse-power to run it, will turn out 50 to 60 lb of Saw gins are not adapted to long-stapled cottons, such as Sea Island and Hull is the principal seat of the industry in Great Britain, and enormous quantities of Indian and It is easily transported from place to place in seed-cotton, and for this reason the Some of the native cottons are of fair quality, but Bourbon, New Orleans, Upland, Georgia, Sea Island, Pernambuco, Still more recently, however, experiments have been made to grow Repeated appeals had been sent to the West from the beginning of the After all, there was nothing of the holy war about the Sixth Crusade: there was simply huckstering, as in an Eastern bazaar, between a free-thinking, semi-oriental king of Sicily and an They consented to ally themselves with the ruler of Damascus against the sultan of Egypt; but in the battle of Gaza they were deserted by their allies and heavily defeated by Bibars, the At a very early period - as early probably as the 16th century B.C.- Syria became the meeting-place of Something about the ancient political and geographical relations of Syria can be gleaned from The Tell el-Amarna Letters (15th century B.C.) and remained an The sequel shows how a Jew might rise to power in the civil service of the From this it appears that the pro-Syrian faction of the Jews had been strong and active enough to bring an But Antipater found supplies for the army of Gabinius, who, despite After the defeat and death of Pompey (48 B.C.)
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