Germination of the large seeds is quite fast and easy, and it is a robust, adaptable, and steady grower. Scientific name: Chambeyronia macrocarpa. Chambeyronia macrocarpa and comes from New Caledonia. $169. My two largest Chambeyronias just produced about 1,000 ripe seeds, they have germintaed very well for me in the past. Size Price Quantity; 140mm $19.50 Special price: $0.00.
… Coccothrinax fragrans : 15 gal. 0. Common names: The Flame Thrower Palm is also known as Red Feather Palm, Red Leaf Palm, Blushing Palm, Watermelon Palm. At you can choose from the most spectacular selection of rare seeds in the world: palms, cycads, tree ferns, succulents, conifers, tropical trees and more, many not available anywhere else. The luscious island of New Caledonia is east of Australia and north of New Zealand. This fantastic palm displays a bright red leaf upon opening and also features a beautiful watermeloned pattern, clean waxy trunk. The trunk diameter is approximately ten inches with strongly ringed bamboo-like leaf scars. Chambeyronia macrocarpa. 0.
Price list.
$139. Origin: The Flame Thrower Palm is native to the island of New Caledonia located east of Australia and north of New Zealand. We supply enthusiasts and collectors as well as botanical gardens, nurseries and seed dealers of all sizes. Many new and rare species are constantly being added.Subscribe to our famous monthly newsletter featuring our latest arrivals.Famous for the incredible color of the newly opened leaf, this exciting and comparatively new-to-cultivation palm is easy to look after, performs well as an interior palm, and adds a special something to the garden with its bright red, new leaves. 9. Masks and social distancing of 6 to 10 feet is also in force. Seeds for sale starting at € 18.00. The Flame Thrower Palm is one of the most beautiful palms in the world. Open most days, but require that you call at least one hour ahead of your visit. Mature plants sport a slender, To be notified by e-mail when this species arrives please hit the button above. It has beautiful palm trees at discounted prices and offers a Most importantly, you will receive a tree in perfect health and wouldn’t have to worry about it dying few weeks later. $199. On this island you will find extraordinary primitive plants including the Flamethrower which dates back to the Mesozoic Era, when dinosaurs roamed the planet. Liners: $15.00 1 Gallon: $30.00 5 Gallon: $45.00 The red leaf frond flame thrower palm is a solitary and slender palm with ringed leaf scars has a crown of 10 gracefully arching fronds and can grows 20-30 ft. Superior quality, viability and correct identification is ensured by renowned palm expert Tobias W. Spanner. Coccothrinax barbidensis : 15 gal SOLD! Some seeds are available for a short time only. Flamethrower Category: Palm. Don't miss them! Flame Thrower Palm - Chambeyronia macrocarpa If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind rare species then you want the Flame Thrower Palm. Famous for the incredible color of the newly opened leaf, this exciting and comparatively new-to-cultivation palm is easy to look after, performs well as an interior palm, and adds a special something to the garden with
It has very large 8-10 foot arching fronds with wide leaflets that are thick in texture. No online sale. Write a comment and enter to win EUR 50. Appearance: It has clear single trunk with 10-12ft long pinnate leaves that are … Share your knowledge! The luscious island of New Caledonia is east of Australia and north of New Zealand. Chambeyronia macrocarpa. Minimum order is 50 seeds for $20 dollars plus shipping to your location if need be.
Chambeyronia macrocarpa : 20 gal 1 was SOLD! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
Wholesale and retail quantities in packet sizes from two to 100,000 seeds are delivered worldwide. Chambeyronia macrocarpa Home. 7 Tips for Minimizing Transplant Shock in Palm TreesTransplanting Palm Tree From One Location to AnotherTransplanting Palm Tree From A Container Into The GroundImportance of Microclimate When Choosing Cold Hardy PalmsTop 5 Factors Affecting Cold Hardy Palm Tree Growth Average mature height of this species is twenty-five feet in cultivation. The botanical name of the Flame Thrower palm is Chambeyronia macrocarpa and comes from New Caledonia. 200mm $33.00 Special price: $0.00.
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