Beyoncé reportedly starts her day with gratitude and meditation and this was the first thing I incorporated into my life. While researching the first thing I found out was that she admits to struggling with time management! Beyoncé also places strong value on her friendships and sisterhood:We’re all going through our problems, but we all have the same insecurities, and we all have the same abilities and we all need each other… I have been around the world, I have seen so many things, I love my husband. It turns out the answer is simple: squats. But there is nothing like a conversation with a woman, that understands you. I gain so much from those conversations. Her and her husband’s interest in meditation has grown over time, as When alone and traveling, her favorite way to re-center is through a video diary:The camera in that computer has been my friend. She spent most of her year off with her nephew. “I hate them, but they’re the best.” On busier days, the singer performs them during interstitial moments and will go three minutes straight (or until she burns out) to hit around 100 in a row.Given her shows are 2 hours plus long, during tours she usually counts these performances as her workout plus or minus the squats. It is important to note that since her marriage to Jay Z in 2008 and birth of their daughter Blue Ivy in 2012, and on the persistent advice of her doting mother, Beyonce has made conscious efforts to balance work-life priorities:I’m starting to live and pay attention. From the age of 9 years-old, she worked her way to the top with her mother and father’s vigilant guidance. Beyonce's Diet and Exercise Routine Beyoncé's Showstopping Secrets to Staying Fit and Fierce. I started researching to find out what Beyoncé actually does with her day. However, I didn’t take it as a way to eat anything and everything, instead I prepared small healthy snacks the night before and I usually got really excited when it was time to eat.I currently live away from my family and a different city so, family time for me involved calling my mom and my sister and chatting with them for about an hour and a half in the eveningEvidently, a huge part of her routine is missing.

It ties in with her greater love of the ocean and being by or in the water… “I’m born again when I get out of the ocean. Monday Workout – The workout consists of 5 minute warm up session and circuit training. Not to mention a helicopter, private jet, or yacht…Nevertheless, Beyoncé will be the first one to remind you that she didn’t start out this way. I personally start work at 7 a.m. and I have to catch the bus at 6:25 a.m. So, my 5:30 wake up time didn’t give me too much time for meditation. Her “normal” diet during the week typically includes: cereal for breakfast, her favorite is Sundays are her “cheat” day, in which she indulges in her fave: pizza w/ extra tomato sauce and jalapeños. Her number one personal assistant is her cousin. Circuit training includes exercises like reverse lunges, squats and press, cobra planks, push ups, pike push ups, bicycle crunches, straight leg crunches, reverse dips and V-ups. Less for its booty-enhancing effects and more for the love of the sport, swimming is one of Beyoncé’s favorite forms of exercise. Because I fell back asleep and I woke up in a panic at 6 a.m. I’m always happy when I’m surrounded by water.”Related, the star couple’s preferred mode of holiday is on a boat. I personally start work at 7 a.m. and I have to catch the bus at 6:25 a.m. Given that her tours include an entourage of over 150 staffers, some of whom have been loyal for close to 10 years, it’s easy to imagine not everyone can keep up.Indeed motherhood has softened her stance, and her recent line of thinking on the subject is more in line with a balanced approach:I am a person who has a hard time shutting off my brain. It ties in with her greater love of the ocean and being by or in the water…. Taking my time, and doing things at a slower pace… It’s hard because I have to plan, but I’m working it out, I’m going to get there… My daughter has been my balance.Beyonce will balance seven days of work with a dedicated day off, or two months of tours with two full weeks off, and even took an entire year off in 2010 before producing her hit record album “Downtime is typically spent with her husband and children at their home base in Los Angeles, CA.On those special Sundays, when not editing her latest footage on a private plane with Beyoncé’s normal work routine is so intense, she admits on days off she just “drops my shoes, and that’s it”. I need my sisters.Beyonce has a conflicting track record on sleep, as do perhaps most type-A, rock star, super-successful high flyers. In support of Michelle Obama’s Less for its booty-enhancing effects and more for the love of the sport, swimming is one of Beyoncé’s favorite forms of exercise. I decided to devote about 5 minutes from 5:30 to 5:35 to be quiet and think of 3 things I was grateful for.On day one when I started the journey my alarm went off and I decided to practice gratefulness while I was still in bed, Bad Idea! In other words, she’s “lazy” on these precious days.After waking up, the same way she begins each performance, the superstar will pray and give thanks to God for all her blessings, while “breathing out anxiety, breathing in positivity”. You have just as many hours in the day as Beyoncé, or at least the saying now goes…The difference may be that you don’t have a net worth of $250 million, international superstar status nor a 24/7 entourage of assistants, chefs and personal trainers. Even from remote distances and with hectic traveling schedules, she’ll make a point to Skype with Jay Z – like on their Valentine’s date when she was in Peru and he was flying from Denver to London.

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