held in 1884 and 1885 in order to lay down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa, it established the principle that European claims to African territory had to rest on "effective occupation" in order to be recognized by other statesa great movement that was the central experience in the saga of Western expansion, one reason why the West's impact on the world in the 19th century was so powerful and many-sidedthe 1857 and 1858 insurrection by Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army which spread throughout northern and central India before finally being crushed, primarily by loyal native troops from southern India, Britain thereafter ruled india directlylaws designed by Americans and Australians to keep Asians outlaunched in 1898 by the Chinese government in an attempt to meet foreign challengethe drive to create vast political empires abroad, recalling the old European colonial empires of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and contrasting with the economic penetration of non-Western territories between 1816 and 1880grown legally in British-occupied India and smuggled into China by means of fast ships and bribed officials, opium became a "destructive and ensnaring vice" of the ChineseJapanese warrior nobility who were often poor, restless, and intensely proudItalian migrants who had no intention of settling abroad permanently, going to Argentina to harvest between December and April and returning to Italy for the spring planting. bgalll. Bismark organized it to create conflict between France and Britain.When Germany protested agianst the Franco-Spanish division of power in the region and demanded a sphere of its own.Helped supress the Taiping Rebellion but was annihilated when up against Egyptian Mahdi armies.after failed attempts to consolidate Sudan and Cairo, he succeeds in defeating the Mahdists at the battle of OmdurmanWith discovery of diamonds and gold, they come into conflict with Afrikaners. Their Great Trek founded new settler colonies in the nineteenth century. Prototypical colonialist of the Enlightenment. A frugal worker could save $250-300 in the course of a seasonterm widely used by international organizations and by scholars to group Africa, Asia, and Latin America into a single unitidea that Europeans could and should "civilize" more primitive, nonwhite peoples and that nonwhites would eventually receive the benefits of modern economics, cities, advanced medicine, and higher standards of living

descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa. parlimentary evagelical who supported the antislavery movementHuman biological and cultural sameness and belief in human improvement through the application of reason to social reform.The idea of a native who had the potential to be civilized like the Europeans. ottos.

AP Rhetorical Devices: Persona-wit 27 terms. Occurring between about 1880 and 1900, the rapid seizure of African colonies by European powers such as France, Britain, Germany, and Italy.

Afrikaners. Voyage was part of a series of 18th century expeditions to explore this region. Sought to control the production of a fitter race.study to apply statistical analysis to identify the salient traits of the races.Ottoman group that rose up against Ottoman authoritySocialist critic of Capitalism who argued that Imperialism is basically capitalismelaborated Hobson's linking of imperialism with capitalismrole played by the British woman in India. The Qing dynasty is forced to asked for help. Located missing continent of Terra Australis. It appears that some 3.4% of the non-European admixture can be traced to enslaved peoples who were brought to the Cape from other regions during colonial times. Errupted in Beijing for two months. Afrikaners. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. AP Euro Midterm 112 terms. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Got shares in Suez canal and secured title for Empress of India, Queen Victoria.South Africans descended from Dutch and French settlers of the seventeenth century.


... AP European History Chapter 24 The West and the World 37 Terms. Vocabulaire #3 17 Terms. marvalyss123. Afrikaner-Broederbond, South African secret society composed of Afrikaans-speaking Protestant, white men over the age of 25.Although its political power was extensive and evident throughout South African society for many decades, its rituals and membership—by invitation only—remained secret. China will be defeated. Univ.

They fought back but were immediately crushed when the British intervened.a missionary explorer who described his dual quest to open central Africa to commerce and religion in his book Missionary Travels. Though a minority among South Africans, they held political power after 1910 Also known as Boers, they lost to the British in the South African War ... AP Euro 1st Semester Final 175 terms. This leads to Taiping Rebellion.Internal rebellion of Chinese peasants against the Qing dynasty's inablility to stand up to foreign dominance. Start studying AP Euro chapter 25 IDs. New nations enter the race for territory grabbing.
is showing difference between colonizer and natives.European countries had begun to object to the haphazardness with which conflicts over African territory were being settled. Among the 77 Afrikaners investigated, 6.5% had more than 10% non-European admixture, 27.3% had between 5 and 10%, 59.7% had between 1 and 5%, and 6.5% below 1%. Afrikaners The descendants of the Dutch in the Cape Colony (also Boers), who made a Great Trek to the interior of Africa when … RBinning. British, French, German, Russian, Italian, American, and Japanese troops viciously suppressed the Rebellion and continued exploiting the Qing dynasty. kaynox.

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