How to use adversity in a sentence.

Synonyms (Other Words) for Adversity & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Adversity. is the world’s largest and most trusted free online thesaurus brought to you by

Synonyms for adversities at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. ... of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage. Practice writing synonyms and antonyms with this Christmas Words Activity. Adversity ( Noun ) Our Company is prepared to face an adversity of any kind.

"debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity"; "a life of hardship"He’s a con man who’s taking advantage of people's fears and anxieties about the future, portraying himself as some sort of strong guy, he’s not a strong guy. Understand adversity …

For example, write a synonym and antonym for “dashing”. adversity synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'advert',advertise',adversary',adverse', definition. antonym | definition: a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other | synonyms: opposite word, direct antonym, indirect antonym, word| antonyms: synonym, categoreme, categorem, same, alternate, equivalent word

For over 20 years, has been helping millions of people improve their mastery of the English language and find the precise word with over 3 million synonyms and antonyms. BROWSE THESAURUS.COM. Find more opposite words at! Trending Searches ... adversity (English) adversité (Old French (842-ca. We truly appreciate your support.Get instant synonyms for any word that hits you anywhere on the web!Get instant synonyms for any word that hits you anywhere on the web!

English Synonyms and Antonyms (3.00 / 4 votes) Rate these synonyms: adversity Misfortune is adverse fortune or any instance thereof, any untoward event, usually of lingering character or consequences, and such as the sufferer is not deemed directly responsible for; as, he had the misfortune to be born blind. Antonyms for adversity include fortune, luck, blessing, advantage, privilege, serendipity, success, benefit, boon and favor. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Synonyms and Antonyms hold a significant amount of number in defence written exam, for example, you will face 10-20 questions related to Synonym and Antonym in CDS exam.
Synonyms: 1. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.

Antonyms for adversities. Synonym Discussion of adversity. Word of the Day: corrade. Gambling was the root cause of the misery that befell this family. He’s never faced real In this thing one man is superior to another, that he is better able to bear Woodstock remains committed to social change and will continue to be active in support of HeadCounts critical mission to get out the vote before the next election, we thank the artists, fans and partners who stood by us even in the face of A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for Thanks for your vote! Misery 3. Why, her grief over the country's adversities must have cut her life short.It will help thee at thy need, in sickness, grief, and all adversities.Ye have this day rejected your God, who himself saved you out of all adversities.But their English hearts were not daunted, and bravely did they struggle with their adversities.But with our own distempers and adversities it is altogether different.And he, a man of experience and adversities, was not the kind of man to be indifferent to her courtesy.This was their chief adversity, and of other adversities I have to speak.In it we will drown our adversities, and in its fire consume our sorrows.A tender affection, cemented by their adversities, existed between James Stuart and his sons.Let us follow God's commandments, and do unto others as we would they should do unto us, and be patient under all adversities.“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Misfortune Contextual Examples: Although aware of the affliction of his son, the father did not lend him any help. Preparing for Synonyms and Antonyms for defence exam is really difficult but the most important section when dealing with NDA exam, CDS exam, AFCAT etc.

Affliction 2. Did You Know? Synonyms for adversities in Free Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for adversities. Adversity definition is - a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune.

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