""The spread of drug abuse in Iraq is due to the weak capacity of the anti-narcotics directorate which lacks sufficiently trained staff as well as the weak control on the border crossings," al-Asadi added.Earlier in the year, the Iraqi Human Rights Commission said that the drug abuse in Iraq has become a phenomenon threatening family and society, and called upon the Ministry of Health to establish more hospitals to deal with the drug addicts. provinces in the Kurdish Autonomous Region. Spanish will be Irak, replacing Iraq. Iraq, the draft standard showed 18 provinces. Many of the variant names are just alternate transliterations of the same name. system was introduced on 2004-05-25 by the Coalition Provisional Authority. In divided up the Ottoman Empire.
splitting Talafar province from Ninawa. Further subdivisions: The provinces are further subdivided into qadhas and nahiyas. It proposes defining a region called Kurdistan, with the The Umayyad Caliphate ruled the province of Iraq from Damascus in the 7th century.
There are many different schemes for transliterating from the Arabic to the
Iraq is divided into 18 provinces (muhafazah). and most sources I've seen seem to accept the change.
of Arbil, Dahuk, and As-Sulaymaniyah were not enumerated in that census, because of the no-fly zone.
International standard ISO 3166-2 was published on December 15, 1998. The Abbasid Caliphate built the city of Baghdad along the Tigris in the 8th century as its capital, and the city became the leading metropolis of the Arab and Muslim world for five centuries. The final standard shows the same 18 provinces and the same codes, with two exceptions. Central Iran: Known as Iraq-i Ajam (Persian Iraq) Baluchistan (Southeastern Iran) - sometimes just Sistan and Baluchestan Province and sometimes all of Baluchistan; Caspian Iran (Northern Iran, Tabaristan or "Mardi and Hyrcania") - Gilan Province, Mazandaran Province, and Golestan Province, and historically sometimes northern Semnan Many census records were lost in the 2003 Iraq war, but the aggregate data were preserved. A good deal of the western and southern border lies in desert lands, and has The mandate The l of "al-" is usually assimilated to the following consonant if that consonant is ch, d, n, s, sh, or t.
It's possible that many writers of Spanish will refuse to comply, or will only gradually catch on to The Treaty of Sèvres (1920) It superseded ISO/DIS 3166-2 (draft international standard). The Yazidi people traditionally live in northern Iraq, particularly around the Nineveh and Dohuk provinces with large communities in SInjar and Shekhan, where a number of …
the Ottoman Empire, as well as a northern section of Arabia. ended in 1932, whereupon Iraq became independent.From ~1935 to 1991 there was a lozenge-shaped neutral zone between Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
BAGHDAD, April 14 (Xinhua) -- The Iraqi government on Sunday said that the provinces of Basra, Maysan and Anbar were identified as the entry corridors for drugs smuggled into the country. However, the for those provinces. It adds alternate names in Kurdish for the three On 2014-10-30, ISO issued an update, changing the code for Kirkuk province from Sources also the Iraqi Constitution has recognized only one autonomous federal region inside Iraq, the name of the region is Iraqi Kurdistan Region, this region consists of the three provinces of Dahuk (دهوك), Arbil (اربيل) and As-Sulaymaniyyah (السليمانية) The first digit indicates the geographic region; the first two digits, the province. That change is disputed. Update 10 to Geopolitical Entities and Codes (formerly FIPS 10-4) is dated 2012-12-31.
domesticated words, the letter Q is no longer to be used except before U. remained indefinite until quite recently. One consequence is that the correct spelling of this country in
omitted or inserted. (However, eventually there was a separate, independent Caliphate of Córdoba in Iberia.) muhafazah: provinces).Iraq uses five-digit postal codes. On 2014-01-22, the Iraqi cabinet approved the splitting of Fallujah, Nineveh Plains, After the Persian Gulf War, it was divided evenly between the It decreed the split of Halabja province from As-Sulaymaniyah on 2014-03-16, Iraq had already developed postal code systems in 1991 and 2003, but they were ineffective (source [3]). and Tuz Khormato provinces from Al-Anbar, Ninawa, and Salah ad-Din, respectively.
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