The Children of Flint, A Different Kind of Vision, Rafa Visit 60 Minutes on CBS News: Watch the most successful television broadcast in history, offering investigative reports, interviews, feature segments, episodes and profiles. They looked like any other students. But we think there’s a lot of benefit from being able to hear from groups and underrepresented groups that otherwise we never would have heard from. Stream live TV from ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, ESPN & popular cable networks. Order of the Court. And so our teams around the world were working on this to remove this content. We have an open platform. And we work really hard with all of our reviewers to make sure that, you know, we’re providing the right services for them.SUSAN@DEMO: [SEE KICK] So this is a really hard video to watch.SUSAN: And as you can see, these are prisoners in Syria. It also finished among Nielsen's annual top-10 list for 23 consecutive seasons - a record never even approached by another program. And I was worried about covering the mortgage. Subscribe. Are you worried that these dark things are beginning to define YouTube?SUSAN: I think it’s incredibly important that we have a responsibility framework, and that has been my number one priority. So you could look at it and say, “Well, should this– it be removed, because it shows violence, it’s graphic,” but it’s actually uploaded by a group that is trying to expose the violence.STAHL: I mean it’s totally historical footage that you would see on the History Channel.SUSAN: There is this word down here that you’ll see, 1418.SUSAN: For every area we work with experts, and we know all the hand signals, the messaging, the flags, the songs, and so there’s quite a lot of context that goes into every single video to be able to under- stand what are they really trying to say with this video.SUSAN@HALLWAY You can go too far and that can become censorship. 60 Minutes Presents: Whitaker's Wildlife Tour of our Nadia, A Populist Movement, The Wright Way By viewing our video content you are accepting the terms The Promise of …
[Lauren Southern: But with name calling of Nazi or propagandist…]SUSAN: So if you’re saying, “Don’t hire somebody because of their race, that’s discrimination. 60 Minutes. She’s not our candidate… She’s a f**king old racist bitch.SUSAN: This event was unique because it was really a made-for-Internet type of crisis. The Chief, The Opioid Playbook S52 E35 Jun 07, 2020 . One was named Sergey Brin.
So I was willing to rent my garage to any student. 6 accounts per household included. And we removed that video.SOT: Please don’t vote for Hillary Clinton. See more videos. All rights reserved. Genetic Revolution, The Youngest Refugees, Vision of Music We had just never seen such a huge volume.STAHL: I can only imagine when you became CEO of YouTube that you thought, “Oh, this is gonna be so fun. Professor Emmanuel Josserand on the failures of the security industry. The other was named Larry Page. And so if–STAHL: I’m not saying don’t recommend. Going inside the extremely hazardous drug labs making ice in Myanmar. Would you run that ad?SUSAN: So that is an ad that, um, right now would not be a violation of our policies.SUSAN: For every single video I think it’s really important to look at it. If you are experiencing problems, please describe them. Is that true?SUSAN: It’s a very important area for us. It’s “people are uploading wonderful things likeSTAHL: –funny. You want to be able to learn a language –SUSAN: – wanna laugh, you just wanna see something funny.
They have the opportunity to take a break whenever they want.STAHL: I also heard that these monitors, reviewers, sometimes, they’re beginning to buy the conspiracy theories.SUSAN: I’ve definitely heard about that. I’m just saying be responsible for when you recommend so many times.SUSAN: If we were held liable for every single piece of content that we recommended, we would have to review it.
Much, much smaller.STAHL: Would you be able to say to the public: we are confident we can police our site?SUSAN: YouTube is always going to be different than something like traditional media where every single piece of content is produced and reviewed. And we–SUSAN: What we really had to do was tighten our enforcement of that to make sure we were catching everything and we use a combination of people and machines.
So Google as a whole has about 10,000 people that are focused on controversial content.STAHL: I’m told that it is very stressful to be looking at these questionable videos all the time.
And look at what we’re talking about here. Know My Name, Giant Panda The College Test, Exhume the Truth, Three Empty Chairs “So if you’re saying, “Don’t hire somebody because of their race, that’s discrimination,” according to Wojcicki, “and so that would be an example of something that would be a violation against our policies.” Meanwhile, as Stahl notes, a video stating that “white people are superior” but that doesn’t explicitly incite action on the part of viewers would be fine with YouTube.
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