Honegger composa ce morceau de bravoure qu’on donne depuis dans les salles de concert sous le titre de Pacific 231. Haenssler

RCA For me they are living creatures and I love them as others love women or horses." 60695 EMI Music Distribution

560476 C 849121A Rugby ou Mouvement symphonique n° 2 (H. 67) d'Arthur Honegger est une œuvre symphonique composée en 1928, le deuxième des trois Mouvements symphoniques du compositeur après Pacific 231 et avant le Mouvement symphonique n° 3. 63944 For me they are living creatures and I love them as others love women or horses.”The change of title refers to a class of steam locomotive that counts the number of axels, which was in the pattern 231 – hence the name. 6132 3 at Discogs. 5099996424 Arthur Honegger: Pacific 231 (Mouvement symphonique No.1), H.53 - Play streams in full or download MP3 from Classical Archives (classicalarchives.com), … The ending has no motion, no drive, but instead is concentrated specifically on the mass and production of the sound.


This makes the ending the ultimate climax in this epic journey.was also used in the 1949 French film with the same name. SWR Music Regis Records Extrait du concert donné le 4 octobre 2019 à l'auditorium de la Maison de la Radio. LTM 8555974 This explains the ‘whistling’ flutes- presumably the train whistle and the chugging sounds. Denon Records / SLG Records 37410 85516 I think he really succeeded in his depiction of the train, although I wasn’t quite able to to pinpoint it, my knowledge and interest in trains being limited. Arthur Honegger's Rugby (1928) takes a place among the composer's best-known orchestral works.Rugby is the second in a series of "mouvements symphoniques" that includes the popular Pacific 231 (1923). Praga Arthur Honegger - Pacific 231 Mouvement symphonique No. Then suddenly, most of the instruments drop out with only horns and clarinets remaining, the clarinets playing the melody line. With acceleration comes lighter notes and shorter note-values. Critics generally ignored it, while Pacific 231 and Rugby, with more evocative titles, have been written about in depth. Erato Après l'incomparable succès rencontré par le premier Mouvement symphonique Pacific 231 de 1923, Honegger a composé plusieurs œuvres … Gance voulait une symphonie (pas moins) pour accompagner son film. He once commented saying: “I have always loved locomotives passionately. 7702


Staccato strings are answered by staccato trumpets and horns in urgent sounding ostinato patterns until finally a scalic triplet melody in the horns is crystallized. EMI Music Distribution

His "mouvement symphonique" Pacific 231 (a depiction of a steam locomotive) gained him early notoriety in 1923. L'Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France sous la direction de Mikko Franck interprète Pacific 231, mouvement symphonique n°1, d'Arthur Honegger. Dutton Vocalion Warner Classics Turns out he is depicting the workings of a train, the Pacific 231, to be precise.

Deutsche Grammophon Warner Classics 3 "Liturgique"/Pacific 231 ... is historically and stylistically more apposite: "Pacific 231", e.g. The winds and strings blend together as muted brass interact with screeching strings. RCA Victor / RCA 7:33; 7 MB; 0

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