In case study format, this informative reference answers questions surrounding nuclear energy, the potential of sustainable fossil fuels, and the possibilities of sharing renewable power with foreign countries.

I do not hesitate in recommending it to anyone with just, at the least, the very slightest interest in the world around him or her. The following chapter is on populations and areas and the next one after that is on the history of UK energy. He also offers an idea which sounds far-fetched but may just help, provided that electric cars become mainstream; this is to use their batteries in conjunction with smart chargers to cover fluctuations. The book was written before Fukushima and the author has concentrated more on the scandal of the Sellafield leaks than, say, Chernobyl. The author tries to find out of things add up (for the UK specifically, but this can be extrapolated to other countries), and in the process learns a lot. For anyone whose consumption stack is over 100 kWh per day, the BBC's advice, always unplug the phone charger, could potentially reduce their energy consumption by one hundredth of 1% (if only they would do it). Colours (red for consumption, green for production) for these chapter titles are used throughout the book! Excellent overview of the options for meeting energy needs sustainably, though lacking political or economic considerations I have a PhD in engineering, and am so pleased someone cut through the baloney out there and laid it out all in nice graphical and numerical format. Each part is divided into a number of chapters, 43 in all.

The answer is positive but it requires the use of fast breeder technology and extraction of uranium from the oceans.   For this stuff, it's the raw material phase that dominates.

Every little helps! The examples given and the accompanying illustrations, cartoons and graphs make for a riveting read. Prof MacKay blames the equipment manufacturers for much of this because they penny-pinch rather than seek efficiency. I suspect that this book review may qualify as the longest ever in the Guinness Book of Records. Paperback, 416 pages : £24.99: Published: 3rd September 2015: Buy from Blackwells Buy from Waterstones. It is always interesting. | 1,000g There is an interesting chart showing the power consumption of different countries per capita against the GDP per capita in purchasing-power-parity US dollars, in the chapter of energy plans for Europe, America and the world. Download one of the Free Kindle apps to start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, and computer.To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number.

—David Newbery, director, Electricity Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge"Here are the numbers in a form easy to digest about energy use and availability. The first chapter, "every BIG helps", tells us, very clearly, that we have little choice that, to get off fossil fuels, it requires both reductions in demand and increases in supply, both of which must be big. The production of metals is energy intensive, especially for aluminium. -- Prof Mike Ashby Royal Society Research Professor, Principal Investigator, Engineering Design Centre, Cambridge "At last a book that comprehensively reveals the true facts about sustainable energy in a form that is both highly readable and entertaining."

His next question is whether fossil fuels can be sustainable. Journalists instinctively soften, harden or spin stories according to the needs of their publication and their career. The title of the first part, 'Numbers, not adjectives' may sound off-putting to the layman, but none of it; the quotation above is from the initial chapter, one of the longest, 'Motivations'.

C$26.67 We are not on track to a zero carbon future and this should be one of our top priorities to ensure a continuity of energy supply. Available. Also, journalists dislike being too definite about anything because it will alienate readers. Most of what we hear about energy science (and climate change) comes via the questionable filter of journalism.

Similar analyses are done for all the other chapters in this part of the book.     Although largely full of scientific information and data it is presented in a unique and completely understandable way.

A wonderful book full of facts about generation of electricity and options for how it can be done in the future. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations Please try your request again later.This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. For the next chapters, there is an alternation between consumption and production: cars, wind, planes, solar, heating and cooling, hydroelectricity, light, offshore wind, gadgets, wave, food and farming, tide, stuff, geothermal, public services and part 1 winds up with the question, 'Can we live on renewables?'

Much better to uses phrases like "Suggests that" rather than "Proves that" if you are looking to enrage the fewest possible readers. US$12.77 x 223   There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. Uit Cambridge Ltd

It includes the important concept of differentiating between power and energy, a trap that many fall into. The area of land per person in Europe in the 1700s was 52,000 m².

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