Someone has stolen the prize money! She’ll for the most part load up her front row and use Commander’s Horn and ‘Dandelion’ to boost damage.Compared to the first round, with a Northern Realms deck, the second round was much easier. Alongside Triss, Yennefer is one of Geralt's main love interests in The Witcher 3. At this point you’ll immediately be thrust into the next round of the tournament and will not be given the opportunity to save. As always, it’s also a wise move to switch your leader variant to Foltest with the ability to cast clear weather to help out if you get in a bind in the later rounds.Defeating Finneas will earn you one of the Scoia’tael deck leader card variants ‘Francesca: Queen of Dol Blathanna’.After defeating Finneas, he’ll immediately attack you and thus Geralt will find himself in the midst of a fist fight. So I just finished this quest, told Sasha I would help her steal the prize and what not, I won the tournament, then someone stole the prize. I really hate dealing with this greedy Madame Sasha. Throw on your Witcher Sense and you can inspect the following:Following another brief chat, you’ll need to exit the Brothel and investigate another, smaller search area outside and behind the building. Someone has stolen the prize money! Sasha assures Geralt that she was not the thief, and that they should work together to reclaim the prize money. The Witcher 3 Romance guide to romance Keira Metz, Triss Merigold, Yennefer, Jutta An Dimun, Madame Sasha, Prostitutes in Strumpets of Crippled Kate and Harlots Of Passiflora. She talks their way past the guard and up to the second floor. or alternatively – agree to help track down the thief. Defeating Madam Sasha will earn you one of the Nilfgaardian Empire deck leader card variants ‘Emhyr: The Relentless’. After they are dead a conversation will break out.Now we can follow Triss all the way to the Kingfisher Inn.Follow Triss all the way to the Kingfisher Inn. If you check out the right hand wall opposite the open grate with Witcher Sense you’ll notice that it is a weak one, use your AARD to knock it down, you’ll find a chest inside.Return through the hole in the wall and enter the open grating. save hide report. Follow the guard upstairs to the scene of the crime, where, after more wordplay from Sasha, you'll be left alone. To access it, finish both the A Favor for Radovid Main Quest and the A Matter of Life and Death side quest. Continue browsing in r/witcher. Head through the right hand door and again use Witcher Sense to locate the weak wall. This guide is relatively spoiler free. Agree to help her recover the coin - your coin - and she'll smooth talk her way past a guard. Along the way, Geralt will spot the wagon used by the thieves and note that it has the same scent.

She just wants to use Geralt for her own personal benefits and leg off far away after she gets her easy money. You can either:The former action will upset the couple, but outside of them being a bit crankier, as far as I can tell there was no other major consequences.Continue the conversation and be sure to hear her out until the end. I found that the best strategy against him is to try to get him to use as many Musters as possible early on – use high level units and Decoys – especially if you have the ‘Villentretenmerth’ card (you can put it out after a Muster to destroy his front row, then use a Decoy to return it to your hand and push it out again after another Muster) to get him to overcommit in the first round. Use your normal techniques to deal with the enemies (or let Sasha handle them if you are a little under-levelled) and once they have all bit the dust a scene will play.During the conversation you’ll be given two options. Fortunately, you’ll be free to move around at this point and save if you wish.When you are ready to go, speak with Count Tybalt to begin.Tybalt plays with a Monsters faction deck and he focuses on a combination of high strength Heroes and the Decoy and Muster ability.

Throw on your Witcher Sense and you can inspect the following:Following another brief chat, you’ll need to exit the Brothel and investigate another, smaller search area outside and behind the building. The most bothersome aspect of Sasha’s strategy is that if she gets a good draw she has a LOT of Medic cards (including the ‘Yennefer of Vendenberg’ card) and will constantly use them to revive either discarded Medic cards, Tight Bond cards or high value strength cards to repopulate her side of the board – so be ready for that! She’ll use her Medic or Decoy cards to pinch and recycle any Spy cards that you play. Please do not reduce sex workers and former sex workers to their past work Ah, I came in expecting there to be a twist or something, like "Sasha Grey plays The Witcher 3 … There are three initially but another three will join the fray soon after. Consider finishing the Old Pals and Big City Players quests to build a stronger deck before doing this quest. Approach the group of men to find the thief, Bernard Tulle. Hi, after endless repeats on Sasha I finally won the tournament, but I have no idea how to investigate the crime scene. He also has several hero cards including most of the Northern Realms heroes and the 15 Strength ‘Geralt of Rivia’ and ‘Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon’ cards. He’ll play mostly Siege level units and can put up Catapults with tight Bond.

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