What’s heavier? 50.6%. Gold is one, and pretty much anything else can be used as the other. save hide report. 49.4%. ... Now IF AND ONLY IF you define "heavy" as how much force it takes to lift something then the steel is heavier because it displaces less air and has less buoyancy.
Voting closed 5 days ago. Comment what you thought was heavier at first Lounge Jazz Piano Music - Chill Out Cafe Music For Study, Work - Background Jazz Music - Duration: 3:40:24. Thus they will experience less force towards earth, and they will ( (1 kg) / (density of feathers) - (1 kg) / (density of steel) ) * (density of air)Apart from that nobody uses Newton's in real life to weight something (you don't use it for your weight, or your car's or everything you use kilograms for) the problem never says you're measuring it taking in account the air (it could be in a room with a vacuum). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts
Neither is heavier, actually a kilogram of steel is AS heavy AS a kilogram of feathers.Though the amounts of the feather and steel would greatly differ, if there was a kilogram of steel and a kilogram of feathers, they would be equal is weight, just not in amount.They are the same but if dropped the steel would get there first unless the feathers were compressed to the size of the steel block.If the kg of steel is on earth and the kg of feathers is on Jupiter, then the feathers.What do you think of the answers? A kilogram of steel and a kilogram of feathers have the same mass, and has the same weight in the same gravitational field. What is heavier a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers? So a mass of steel must be heavier than an equal mass of feathers. Cafe Music BGM channel Recommended for you
Weighing =/= having mass. Here's why: On. YOU SEE HOW DUMB HE IS??
Other. 45% Upvoted. 0 0 2. Which is heavier 1 kilogram of steel or 1 kilogram of cork? When we talk about weight we're definitely talking about the one caused by the gravitational force, not the combination of that one with drag force or electromagnetic repulsion. That a kilogram of each weighs the same is a simplistic response and does not deserve consideration.I must point out the question's bias in language. Wiki User. ?" A kilogram of feathers or kilogram of metal? Labels should indicate the birds were raised by free-range methods and not subjected to hormones.What is the environmental impact of metallic extraction and industrial manufacture of the steel with regard to labor, politics, union issues, property values, and other details such as child labor laws, fair hiring practices, pension plans, profiteering by greedy capitalists, and recycling. Kilogram of steel. 0. Other.
The push force from the archimedes principle is what makes the apparent weight which isn't what they were asking you too.And finally, it's pretty obvious that the question has the target of messing people that thinks that density has something to do with it.If buoyancy matters, how much does a flying airplane weigh?This is what I was coming here to say. *Disapointa!New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThe best place for video content of all kinds. Close. That would have been a lot of mobile typing!OMG I wish I had this SO BAD when I was a high school teacher trying to explain density to kids. Though the amounts of the feather and steel would greatly differ, if there was a kilogram of steel and a kilogram of feathers, they would be equal is weight, just not in amount. Jokes aside, a kilogram of steel (if accounted for by its mass and not its weight) really does weigh more than a kilogram of feathers (if accounted for by its mass and not its weight).
If you're going to use this riddle, use the correct materials and units. 43. THAT'S YOU." I'm glad you said it first. I don't know that it would've helped teach them anything, but it would have been so satisfying being like "YOU FUCKERS ARE LIMMY. Posted by 8 days ago.
Not sure if this is a serious question but...A kilogram is a unit of mass, or in this case, weight.A kilogram is a kilogram.One kilogram of anything is a kilogram.1 kg of iron = 1 kg of wool.
0 0 0. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. The correct answer is the kilogram of feathers because you also have the weight of what you did to those birds.i hope you just came up with that because that was fucking genius, straight outta left field while still making senseJokes aside, a kilogram of steel (if accounted for by its mass and not its weight) And this popular trick of saying they weigh the same bothers me to no end; because the premices of the trick does not differentiates weighing and having masss; The trick says 2) Archimedes' principle: both the steel and feathers take some place in our atmosphere, and thus are subject to forces equal to the mass of the air they displace.The feathers are less dense than steel, and take more space. Which Is Heavier, A Kilogram Of Steel Or A Kilogram Of Feathers 2011-06-01 09:20:20 2011-06-01 09:20:20. anime memes dogs funny funny wuotes memes puppies funny.
– youthful. Edit: No you're both wrong, steel is heavier than feathersIf this is a Common Core question, one would have to consider if the feathers were plucked with no harm to the birds or after their humane demise for a non-vegetarian meal or for symbolic presentation in Native American ceremonial garb, or for my brother's feather boa on Halloween or Pride Parade Day. 42. Please read the sidebar below for our rules.Press J to jump to the feed. You see? 0 1 0 Login to reply the answers Post 85 votes. 15 comments. (Don't worry, I left teaching....)This skit had so much more potential. Which is heavier, a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers? And are more subject to Archimedes' principle.
One might inquire, "What's LIGHTER -- . share. What is heavier A kilogram of feathers or kilogram of steel – amazing. . #anime memes funny , #funny kid memes , #funny people , #humor hilarious , #real funny. Top Answer.
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