Kristofferson, White, and Peloza define slacktivism as “a willingness to perform a relatively costless, token display of support for a social cause, with an accompanying lack of willingness to devote significant effort to enact meaningful change” (1149).

Kristofferson, Kirk, et al.

This reality will only increase in importance and value in the de… Contexts shape *How to Do Nothing* as Odell’s nimble thoughts wander in many directions, exploring ecology, technol… It was a 30-minute shockumentary film about the fugitive African warlord Joseph Kony, whose cult-like guerrilla army is called the Lord's Resistance Army, and basically goes around Africa raping, pillaging, and murdering. It is also a perfect example of the suspicions many have towards social media activism.

Slacktivism is a term for giving token support for a cause, like wearing a pin or “liking” something on Facebook, without being willing to engage in … but some are more constructive than others.” Slacktivism by itself is not bad, but it can prevent people from taking any further action if they feel that by filling out an online petition they have done their part. The term clicktivism is also used.
Engagement is costly in terms of time and often money. Very few people knew who Kony was, how they could donate or where they could get involved- but all of a sudden, these viewers (myself, included) could contribute! It is also a perfect example of the suspicions many have towards social media activism. Laura Seay, in her 2014 Slacktivists don’t have to spend a Saturday doing hard labor to build a home or sacrifice a portion of their monthly entertainment budget to a cause. All of these deeds will scratch that itch, This may suggest that As a former organizer around issues of hunger and poverty, I know full well that the goal of a cause-related advocacy organization is to pull these types of activists into deeper engagement. It made my day! We can march in protest, make a donation to a nonprofit Think here of cause-related Facebook or … “Slacktivism may satisfy an urge without motivating us to do anything real. If this social media support is viewed from the perspective of a public education campaign on an issue, there is real value in engaging in these efforts. Like buttons, etc. In the old days, communicating with an elected official about an issue required a written letter or, at the very least, a phone call. The premise behind clicktivism is that social media allows for quick and easy ways to support an organization or cause. Notable Examples Bra Status Updates. Social media offers a tool to encourage engagement and to learn more, and these can be useful tools. Earliest documented use: 1995. Work to establish a relationship with the elected official and staffers. They don’t have even have to move from behind the screens of their electronic devices… [even so]… advocacy organizations are convinced that asking new participants for token forms of support is a strong path to deeper engagement for activists.A group of researchers tested the premise that token support leads to deeper engagement.

Think of the desire to take political action as a kind of psychological organization, write a blog, sign a petition, or click thumbs up on a YouTube an online petition they have done their part. Find trusted organizations like For those of us active in social media it is important that we approach it—as in all things—from a reflective posture in which God requires all Christians to do good: to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly (Micah 6:8). The rising momentum of a cause or campaign can change public opinion and build a sense of urgency that something must be done It is, however, a mistake for “slacktivists” to view their clicks, shares, and tweets as comprehensive, meaningful, intentional engagement of an issue.

I click a button and feel like I have done something to express solidarity and raise awareness for at-risk kids; I share information that I think others would find interesting, or I might share a post to indicate that I care about the issue.

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