Widow of Dr. Julian Woelfel, DDS. Ginnie was raised in...Daniel J. Mesler, 62, of Bolivar, NY, passed away at home on Sunday, July 5, 2020. Wellsville Daily Reporter Archives. Search the Wellsville Daily Reporter newspaper archive. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. Arrangements are under the direction of Mulholland-Crowell Funeral...ANDOVER - The Celebration of Life memorial service for Mary E. Baker Polmateer Faber, 94, who passed away on Thursday (May 14, 2020) will be held on Saturday (Aug. 8) at 11 a.m. at Baker-Swan Funeral Home in Andover. She resided at Pacifica in Ellensburg, Wash. He was born in Olean on Jan. 4, 1984, the son of George Marks and Pamela Morton Weaver, he was a lifelong area resident, graduating from Friendship Central School,...ANGELICA - Marcella M. Finnemore, 83, of County Road 16, passed away peacefully on Friday (July 31, 2020) at home. 2001 – 2018 | Wellsville Daily Reporter obituary and death notices in Wellsville, New York. Page Two WELLSVILLE DAiLY NEW YQRK August 1969 ly Reporter Serving Potter Counties 89th Year Established 1880 The object of our discussion is not that my words may triumph over not that yours may gain victory over but that between we may discover the most perfect EXPRESSWAY PROGRESS Opening of an additional SVfe miles of Southern Tier Ex pressway in the Binghamton area this week will mean that almost 30 per cent of this important limited access highway will be open to traffic between Binghamton and the Penn sylvania line west of With the ribboncutting ceremony on just in time for the Labor Day a total of miles of the Southern Tier Expressway west of Binghamton will be in Another miles is under and the remaining 112 miles are in various stages of design and In other more than half of the 238mile stretch from Binghamton to the western end of the state is now completed or under Work is scheduled to be under way on all remaining sections by the end of next according to Rockefellers longstanding With the 17 expressway east of Binghamton to the Thruway interchange at Harriman already completed and in full Fridays opening will provide 210 miles of the com bined 17 and Southern Tier Expressways in This is nearly 56 per cent of the combined expressways length of 377 When the combined expressways will form the longest noninterstate express highway in the according to the New York Good Roads Work on the Southern Tier Expressway is being financed on a 5050 basis of federal aid and state unlike the in terstate which are allotted 90 per cent federal In portions of the 17 Expressway were funded with 100 per cent state At work oh the expressway represents almost 10 per cent of the entire highway con struction program in New York The importance of the expressway cant be overem Malcolm who is acting governor in the absence of noted in commenting on this weeks expressway opening that the economy of New York State is directly keyed to its transportation As our highways such as the Southern Tier Expressway so too does our states economic Wilson of the firm evidence of the states commitment to advance this important transportation link rapidly throughout the Southern in keeping with our goal of having work under way on all sections of the ex pressway by the end of Thats a promise that we certainly want to see Bribe Charged To Official NEW YORK AP FBI agents have arrested the gener al counsel of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission on a charge of soliciting a bribe to insure favorable settle ment of a million claim against the Harry Lights the was arrested Tuesday as he left a room in the Regency Hotel where the FBI charged he had accepted a down payment on the The alleged payment was made by a lawyer for the New York construction firm of Mer rittChapman Scott There was no immediate com ment from the firm on the inci Andrew Maloney said at the arraign ment No employes or attorneys past or present of MerrittChapman Scott were criminally involved in the investigation and charges in to days and are inno cent of any wrongdoing in con nection with todays Sinatras Busy LAS AP Three members of the Frank [{"CityID":32238,"PublicationCount":0,"Name":"Wellsville","ABBR":null,"Latitude":"42.1220125","Longitude":"-77.9480575","Id":0}]© Copyright 2020 NewspaperARCHIVE.com. "Ed" Ransom, 91, of Genesee, Pa., died Thursday, July 2, 2020 in Jones Memorial Hospital, Wellsville, N.Y. Search more than 185,464 Newspaper pages online 0 Family and friends are invited to a casual memorial gathering at the Mesler home on Saturday, Aug. 1, 2020 beginning at 2 p.m. Editions Search Search Archive Specials Help Live News E-Notify Feedback Feedback / Rollback Puzzles Fit Logout . Choose the plan that's right for you. Howe Public Library newspaper archives from NewspaperArchive.com. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers.

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