Nautical campaigns have a different rollicking feel to them, and a ship can be as much of a character as the scoundrels crewing it, and once the PCs get their own ship, it will likely see as much action as do the PCs themselves. Provided that the ship has enough additional crew to operate them, these siege engines can make attacks. The ramming ship takes half that damage. Represent each ship by placing markers that take up the appropriate number of squares (miniature toy ships make great markers and should be available at most hobby stores).A ship can also attempt to ram a target if it has its minimum crew. A ship needs at least half its crew complement in order to be piloted at all. If the fleeing ship wins, it escapes. This represents the vagaries of luck, skill, and the environment, whether catching a favorable Alternatively, the pilot who wins the upper hand can change the heading of her ship by 90 degrees.For every 5 by which the successful pilot’s check exceeds the opposing pilot’s check, the pilot with the upper hand can change the heading of her ship by an additional 90 degrees.A ship that is upwind of another ship (closer to the direction of the wind) is said to “hold the weather gage,” and gains a +2 bonus on the opposed check to gain the upper hand.At the start of a pilot’s turn, she can take any of the following sailing Full Ahead action With a successful sailing check, the ship’s current speed increases by its acceleration (usually 30 feet), but no higher than its maximum speed.

The two crews throw out grappling lines and draw the ships together. Doors. Rather than bog down ship-to-ship combat with numerous individual attack rolls, siege engines can be fired in “broadsides.” All siege engines of the same type on a single side of the ship can fire at once. Siege engines benefit from Some ships can carry a large number of siege engines. Almost every character can do it with relative ease; the DCs are given only to adjudicate special situations that may come up in your game.Every vehicle has a control device for steering. There is no sailing check for this ramming maneuver; its effects happen automatically. Sails have their own statistics.Multiple methods of propulsion add flexibility and can work in concert to create faster movement. This keeps the PCs from having to play out combat between large numbers of low-level opponents, and from needing to track exactly how many casualties their crew takes in each battle.The PCs earn normal XP for the foes they defeat in shipboard combat. If both ships are reduced to a speed of 0 as the result of a ramming maneuver, they are also considered grappled.If only one pilot wants to grapple, she must make a sailing check against the target ship’s AC plus the opposing captain’s sailing check modifier. You can “contribute” to my blog by adding (ie= add comments) warships cost data. An exotic saddle is required for riding any aquatic or flying mount. The ship’s propulsion determines what skill is used for the sailing check (see Propulsion and Sailing Skills). As per the Player’s Handbook, one skilled hireling costs at least 2 GP per day. The ship can move forward or forward diagonally. OFFENSE. Boats and ships are propelled by currents, muscle, wind, or all three forces. Use a large, blank battle mat to represent the waters on which the battle occurs. In addition, a captured ship is usually worth more as a prize to be towed or sailed home than sunk to the bottom of the sea.As a result, most ship-to-ship combat ends when the crew of one ship boards another to fight the enemy crew in hand-to-hand combat (see Boarding and Grappling).The following overview presents more extensive rules for ship-to-ship combat. Whichever pilot wins at least two out of three of the opposed checks is victorious. A ship using wind propulsion cannot move in the opposite direction from the wind.All wind-propelled ships require the use of sails and rigging. In the case of muscle propulsion, it is about guiding creatures to move the ship. To attempt a shearing maneuver, a ship must be adjacent to the target’s forward or rear square and move along the side of the target for a number of adjacent squares equal to the target ship’s number of squares. Warships are slower but more heavily armed vessels capable of taking on more cargo. For example, a 3-square ship with three masts requires 90 squares of sails. If a ship’s current speed is three times its acceleration, the pilot takes a –6 penalty on the sailing check.

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