and flair for intellectual competition. His journey takes him from total jerk, obsessed with get-rich-quick schemes, to a man worthy of respect. Lena Younger’s recently deceased husband and the father of Walter Lee and Beneatha. a backyard to fulfill her dream for her family to move up in the world.Walter’s to Beneatha and hopes she will return to Nigeria with him.A wealthy, African-American man who courts Beneatha. In Walter Younger, Lorraine Hansberry shows how poverty and racism can twist and depress people, turning them against those that they most love.

In Lorraine Hansberry ’s “A Raisin in the Sun” a constant theme of hoping for better and a new life kept coming into play.

Everybody tries to warn Walter against investing in the liquor store. When the play opens, he wants Now, though, Walter is desperate. is very proud of his African heritage, and Beneatha hopes to learn Her almost pessimistic Walter often fights and argues with Ruth, Mama, and Beneatha.

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And Lena, a devout Christian, thinks it is sinful to sell liquor. Everybody's doubts about the liquor store investment are proven right when Willy takes off with all the money. He offers the Youngers a deal to reconsider moving into his Ruth tells her husband that he shouldn't trust Willy Harris. She also trusts her son to put some of the money in a bank account so that Beneatha can go to medical school. Walter plans to use the money to invest in a liquor store with his "buddy," Willy Harris.

The Younger family lives in a cramped, "furniture crowded" apartment that is clearly too small for its five occupants in one of the poorer sections of Southside Chicago. Unfortunately, this just doesn't last. He's friendly to his sister, hugs his mother, and even takes his wife out on a date, where they get super-frisky and hold hands. The protagonist of the play.

pragmatism helps her to survive. Walter Lee wants to invest Mama's $10,000 insurance check in a liquor store venture with two of his friends. We get to this section and we're like, "Wow, I guess he's not such a jerk."

Walter In the end, though, Walter is redeemed when he eventually refuses to take the money from Mr. Lindner. a quick solution to his family’s various problems.Mama’s Walter is a dreamer. protagonist of the play. Instead of giving her son the money for the liquor store, Walter's mother takes a portion and puts a down payment on a house in a white neighborhood. No matter how hard they try, there are some people who cannot get ahead in life.

For most of the first act, he's nasty to just about every other character in the play. Although Walter makes the worst mistakes out of any other character in the play, he also undergoes the greatest transformation. • Walter to Ruth: “Sometimes I don’t even know how to try.” P. 89 • Mama: “It’s just a plain little old house—but it’s made good and solid—and it will be ours. He's prepared to totally shame himself for the money.

to submit to white culture and forget his African heritage. educated than the rest of the Younger family. friend of Walter and coordinator of the liquor store plan. He says all kinds of mean things to Ruth, his wife, and is even short with his long-suffering mother, Lena. her husband’s insurance money as a down payment on a house with Eventually, Lena gives in and lets Walter have a big chunk of what's left to invest however he sees fit. Walter doesn't do this, however, and just hands it all over to Willy Harris for the liquor store. Mrs. Johnson takes advantage of the Youngers’ She wants to use This was Walter Younger’s way of sharing his dreams with his son, Travis. Walter Younger can be really hard to get along with. He picks fights with his sister, Beneatha. The Constantly fighting poverty and domestic troubles, Walter Lee—it makes a difference in a man when he can walk on floors that belong to him…” p. 92 • Walter to … Walter Lee Younger: Selfish to Selfless Lorraine Hansberry portrays the revolution of black’s consciousness through the play, A Raisin in the Sun, by introducing the Younger family to readers.

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