It has commissioned a local version of the format from Fremantle Spain for its Antena 3 channel. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee.Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.and thanks to the European Parliament's prompt support, two of them have already been implemented successfully.ellas ya han sido puestas en práctica de manera satisfactoria.Exceptions to this policy will be considered for special events, such as meetings of theSe contemplarán excepciones a esta política general en el caso de acontecimientos especiales, por ejemplo reuniones del * English Definitions From: WordNet 2.0 Copyright 2003 by Princeton University. Sueñe sueños elevados, y mientras usted sueña, así también llegará a ser. En septiembre del año pasado, la Judicatura del Pará realizó muchas medidas de reintegración de posesión. unveiled is: 3 rd person singular (he/she/it) Preterite Indicative . Unveiled definition, not hidden by a veil or other covering; bare. principles for the guidance of members in the decision would blur the distinction between surveillance over exchange rate policies and over domestic nueva redacción de la decisión, el grupo expresó su preocupación de que "ampliar los principios para la orientación de los miembros en la decisión hace menos clara la distinción entre la supervisión de las políticas cambiarias y la supervisión de las políticas nacionales".major restoration project of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi - a landmark building in Venice, Italy.proyecto de restauración de la Fondaco dei Tedeschi un edificio emblemático en Venecia, Italia. Ésta es la conclusión inesperada y desconcertante de un análisis económico de cinco décadas de terrorismo moderno. ‘Plans were unveiled for a new food store and 13 shopping units in Victoria Street, Skipton.’ ‘Now plans have been unveiled by the Youth Hostel Association to convert part of the site into homes.’ ‘The massive project was unveiled yesterday, but it …

Our top version, the Translator Professional Plus 5, comprises the following features: images for easier meaning selection, a Translation Options Module using a multiple-choice wizard that lets you choose among all possible variations for your translation, Voice Recognition for dictation capabilities and Voice Commands that allow you to call out the tasks you need without using mouse or keyboard.

La empresa ha revelado hoy su nueva línea de productos.La empresa desveló su nueva estrategia de marketing.The politician unveiled a new statue on the square.El político inauguró una estatua nueva en la plaza. Unveiled Trilogy Films is a culmination of a devotion to capture & portray the profound sciences of ancient India, namely. Spanish broadcaster Atresmedia is the latest to pick up the rights for international format hit The Masked Singer. Nuestro programa de maquinaria de cosecha avanza sin descanso con el lanzamiento de nuevas cosechadoras y empacadoras la próxima temporada, además de otros proyectos. Enjoy it and make the best use of it! Recent Examples on the Web Last week, similar claims were made about the structure along with images of the unveiled monument with that same rusty color. Many translated example sentences containing "unveiled" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become.

Masked Singer unveiled in Spain. Translate "unveil" to Spanish: quitarse el velo, correr la cortina, mostrar la cara English Synonyms of "unveil": unmask, show one's real face, uncover, show one's true colors, show one's true colours

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