I love you!!!!!!!!! Stop hating, i am hating on u because u rude to poor piper. ?lev or walkerPiper seems to have an amazing life but yet she doesn’t. Piper is amazing and way better then u Gavin. piper doesn’t have a dad yet. SO honey, Amber, stop hatingI love Tiffany Rockelle and Piper❤… They need to actually update this because Gavin and Piper are over and now she’s with Walker and Lev… Like update this now… Also, Tiffany if you seeing this I love you and your family and sorry for the hate you are getting you deserve better❤❤❤ And yes my real name is Mariam and my last name is Rockelle even though it may seem like a middle name, like piper’s, My middle name is Sabrina…For all of you who think I was the reason why Gavin and Piper broke up, I’m sorry to say but your wrong. and haters plz BACK OFF. Please stop making excuses to be someone your not and stay safe! Piper is kind sweet and in a lot of the videos I have seen her hug her friendsAll of the videos with the crying makes me want to cryGavin and piper should get back to gether because walker is dating someone elseGavin and piper should get back together walker is dating someone elseI think piper and walker nick name should be palkerTiffany Rockelle has a lemon face, I misssssssssssss Pavin Tiffany Rockelle ruined everythingTiffany in not pleasant or has a pleasant face because look at Gavin youtube she is very mean and i am not saying to be mean i love y’all both but Tiffany let just not talkLike I mean it’s nothing bad I just wondered because we would like to get to know themWhy do we not know hardly anything about your mom or the rest of your family it’s like you guys are hiding something from all your fanshey guys its me piper can we stop all the hate please i know is was Tiffany Rockelle and mm dont be rude she is my friend and thank you and im not fake im realhey guys its me piper can we stop all the hate please i know is was Tiffany Rockelle and mm dont be rude she is my friend and thank you but next time dont be rude and im not fake im realI love you piper but u and Gavin is the cutest couple. what is really annoying is when piper is in the middle of a serious vid and frank interrupts.no hate frank I love you but you just got to know when it’s time to talk and time to not talkHi piper,Im a filipino and I really love you,the squad,your mom,frank and hunter,I wish we could both meet,I wish you could go to the philippines and by the way my instagram is cashmere barcelona,I wish you would see thisIn one of piper’s video she said that she was the only child but she has a brother!!!! !Also Leyla, not just a random person winks at you and kisses someone that they don’t even know!! I HATE HIM, I’M HONESTED…I HATE GAVIN MAGNUSWhat pavin id over I understand they were young but is it really overYou need to change the dating part, Giving and Piper aren’t together anymore and it’s because of Tiffany Rockelle.It says ” she was born pipe rockelle in august 21, 2007 “her real name is piper.Oh my gosh this tells me everything oh can I tell you something piper and Gavin broke up pavin is over Her. If you are one of those people pretending to be someone your not than stopGAVIN RUINED EVERYTHING COCO AND PIPER WERE BESTIES GAVIN HOW DARE YOU GET OUT OF BOTH OF THERE LIFE AND COCO IS TO OVERRATED FOR HER AGE GAVIN COCO BOOOOOi used be be subcerid to gavin and coco but i unsubceried but i sub to piper rockell because i fell bad becase oned my dad found out that she was peregenet of me he left her and 5 kids wioth me 6.piper hi i am a subscriber i love your videos you are so awesomeBy the way that Gavin Magnus is fake he would never say stuff like that!Gavin and coco yall are the ones hating and coco u were pipers bff why did gavin mess it up UGHShe is a youtube and she is so nice and sh3 is so funny and .I love her so much.❤❤I think piper is the best and coco is ugle and not piper bc she is so nice to gavin and coco and coco is not best they piper . Who doesn’t want to meet her?I love Piper Rockelle. I’m not allowed to subscribe but I would if I was allowed too. Xxxx PS: I seen the gavin Magnus things but I think you should just move because he was making you upset and you don’t even need him! Here in this article, we’ll try to cover as much personal facts of the young star as we can.Well, you guys might be wondering about why such a question for a At just the age of 12, Piper Rockelle has become a heartthrob of millions of people. We are all here for you to support you. But, you have all these amazing friends like Jenna, Jenzen, Sophie, lev, Walker, and so much more. but you just don’t cry and hate over people that broke up okay!!! I am the real Lev Cameron and I wanted to clear things up.. me and Piper are STILL together and Coco and Gavin are STILL together. I am way cuter than piper! But, looking at the pace they are going, it wouldn’t be a surprise if either of them fall for one another.The famous TikToker Piper Rockelle was born on August 21, 2007, to mother Tiffany Rockelle. Love. Coco bear I love you ❤️ piper you are stupid,ugly,and ,fat and Sophie you are a retard and nobody likes you either ,I’m so glad that I left that ugly brat for coco bear l love coco piper was so annoying and ugly ugh and yes we made out it was awesome piper is so ugly and selfish don’t call coco that because she is perfect ❤️I love coco I hated piper she was so ugly ugh I’m glad that I have a prettier girlfriend now coco is the best I love her and we actually kissed in senorita so we actually love each other and I never liked piper ugh.Piper is the best no matter what anyone says. Gavin Magnus is an American actor, singer and YouTuber who has been called “the next Justin Bieber.” He is well known on social media and for his fun videos co-starring his girlfriend Piper Rockelle, with whom he filmed a video for his first single “Crushin.” (see embed below). Can we be friends?hello I like your videos and your pranks your videos are nice and cool piper and piper you and lev make the best couple with Lev and walker but you make the better couple with lev more.Shes not dating gavin anymore shes dating walker and lev she has to crushes i ship liper and jophieHi I really love piper and she is no longer dating Gavin.

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