Each challenge in the raid has its own hidden entrances to the Underbelly.

Above we’ve embedded a brilliantly constructed map of the Leviathan Underbelly which shows its entire layout in a really helpful 3D format. The Leviathan Underbelly is a large system of tunnels and inter-connected rooms that lie deep underneath the common areas of the ship. This entrance lets you get to the Royal Pools, Drain, and Aqueduct areas quickly.Inside the room are six levers that need to be pulled simultaneously. This entrance provides the quickest path to the Transfer, Armory, Gauntlet, Irrigation, and Conduit sections of the Leviathan’s Underbelly.The pressure plates are rather small and are hidden in corners as marked above. You’ll want to access it from one of the upper levels of the Embarkment, as the entrance is near the top of the waterfall.This method of gaining access to the Underbelly involves activating a series of pressure plates. The Leviathan Underbelly is a large system of tunnels and inter-connected rooms that lie deep underneath the common areas of the ship. You will need to communicate with your teammates and have them pull their respective lever as fast as possible as soon as the last one is done.
It’s also the perfect way to get to those extra chests after receiving a key from completing a challenge area.Near the entrance to the Baths are four pressure plates. The entrance will appear near the far left flower.Now that you are aware of the Underbelly code for each section of the The Destiny 2 Leviathan Underbelly Code is 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 6.

This guide will show you how you can move from one underbelly area to another, looting chests and getting through the Raid … Husband to Matt and cat dad to Wally and Quinn. They’re not immediately visible, so we’ve highlighted them in the images below.Once all levers are pulled at the same time, a message stating “The way is open…” will appear on screen and a new entrance behind the waterfall is now available. There are three known ways to access the Underbelly from the Embarkment area, the staging area for your Fireteam in the Destiny 2 Leviathan Raid.While some of folks in the community have managed to gain access with less than a full fireteam, this guide will assume that there are six Guardians working in unison to input the Underbelly code.The first method of accessing the Underbelly is achieved by pulling a combination of levers inside of a room situated directly beneath the end of the catwalk that Guardians spawn in on. This will open a vent that can be dropped into to reach the Drain area of the Underbelly.On the way to, or from, the Gauntlet, there is a room with four levers that can be pulled in the correct order to open an entrance into the Underbelly. We were added to the The Game Awards' jury in 2017 and the Game Critics Awards E3 panel in 2018.Stevivor was named as Highly Commended in the category of Best Independent Media Outlet at the Australian IT Journalism Awards in 2016 and in 2019.
We’ve numbered them 1 to 6 from left to right, as you can see in the images below.The Underbelly code must be entered using levers that must be pulled in the order of You can then proceed about halfway up the Embarkment to an area with a set of pipes. Here’s the easiest way to get to ’em:This brilliant Underbelly map is the product of work by Before you get too excited, remember that you’ll have to obtain each chest’s key as part of your normal Raid run.There you have it — the Underbelly’s secrets, all uncovered. When you first appear on the Leviathan, you’re standing on a bridge.

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https://www.shacknews.com/.../destiny-2---leviathan-raid-underbelly-code Do you have any tips to add to assist fellow Guardians?Stevivor is an independent video games outlet that has serviced Australia, New Zealand and the world since 2009.We've been featured on Google News since 2014, and Apple News, OpenCritic and Metacritic since 2016. Then proceed through it to access the Underbelly.To reach the Engine area of the Underbelly, find a hole in the cliff side.To reach the Irrigation area, find a pressure plate hidden underneath some pots near the middle flower on the left side. Standing on all of them will open a way into the Aqueducts area of the Underbelly.There are also four levers on the right side of the pools that must be pulled in a horseshoe order starting on the far left side. The hard work is done, so now we get to reap the rewards. Head to the nearby levers and activate them in this order (counting from left to right): 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 6.You’re likely here in 2019 looking for Watcher locations as part of a questline that involves the Black Armory Key and mold. Getting into the underbelly The first thing you need to do is gain access to the underbelly of the Leviathan. In 2018, Stevivor won Best Esports Coverage at the Esports Pro Oceania Awards.Steve's the owner of this very site and an active games journalist for the past ten years. The images below show their locations in more detail.Each week, the giant Calus head at the top of the Embarkment will display one of the raid sections’ symbols. ABN 60 171 589 231.Destiny 2 Leviathan Underbelly guide: Watcher locations and more Various challenges are sequestered in various areas, and since day one, Guardians have been exploring the Leviathan’s underbelly in an effort to move from each in efficient fashion. Destiny 2 a has great first Raid in Leviathan.

These rooms contain a number of chests that are only accessible via the Underbelly and can only be opened with the appropriate key. For more details on where to find those chests, consult our Secret Chest Map.

Jumping onto the pipes will allow you to proceed further into the tunnels of the Underbelly.Another way of accessing the Underbelly is via a room filled with levers on the left side of the Embarkment. This guide will show you how you can move from one underbelly area to another, looting chests and getting through the Raid faster than ever before.You’ll need to unlock access to the Underbelly before you can explore.When you first load into Raid, drop below the path you initially spawn upon. He's a Canadian-Australian gay gaming geek, ice hockey player and fan. No problems! If that order doesn’t work, try near left, far right, far left, near right.The Pleasure Gardens have three entrances to the Underbelly.To reach the Drain area of the Underbelly, stand on a pressure plate behind a rock to open the large pipe in the wall.

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