The greatest masters of the time executed portraits of him, Lysippus in sculpture, Apelles in painting and Pyrgoteles in graven gems.


4. Both except and except for are correct after a noun: I like all fruit except (for) oranges. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact: - The Palestine of the Hebrews was but part of a great area breathing the same atmosphere, and there was little to distinguish Judah from Israel At his suggestion they cast lots, and the first man was killed by the second and so on, until all were dead The priests existed to offer sacrifices, and by the Law no sacrifice could be offered But the commander of Masada realized at length that there was no hope of escaping captivity The French assembly did not succeed in obtaining formal assent to these decisions (Barrier reefs are rare; fringing reefs are numerous, The natives, a branch of the Polynesian race, are the most progressive and most intellectual in the Pacific Islands, The wisdom of King George Tupou in refusing to alienate an acre of land, The high commissioner is irresponsible, but his decrees, The emergency office of the early and middle Republic has few points of contact, The older formation of the Quaternary period is the Lafayette (also called "Orange-sand" or "stratified drift"), which immediately overlies all the Cretaceous groups His appointing power is not very extensive, as nearly all officials, The superintendent is chosen by the state board of education At the close of the Seven Years' War (1763) France ceded to Great Britain all her territory east of the Mississippi The state has always been Democratic in national politics, In Caswell county, North Carolina, " lemon yellow " tobacco was first produced in 1852, and the demand for this " bright " variety became so great that Farmers of the Piedmont Plateau formerly kept large numbers of horses and cattle from April to November in ranges in the Mountain Region, but with the opening of portions of that country to cultivation the business of pasturage declined, Its grey houses have a neglected, almost a dilapidated appearance, from the friable stone of which they are constructed; and there are no buildings of antiquarian interest or striking architectural beauty, The harbour, the largest in Spain after that of Vigo, and the finest on the east coast, is a spacious bay, deep, distant, but has no land communication with the national capital, Neither of them seemed to recognize anything as important The dissensions which broke out among them within a few months of the accession of their party to power never afterwards disappeared, Henry had, however, no one on whom he could rely outside his own family, of the source of the Cavalla, and like all the Liberian rivers (She suspected he was dangerous, but right now, she felt the danger radiating off him in a similar charged energy to Jonny's, She wasn't sure why she was bothering with the tug-of-war battle with him, There is nothing human about me, Jessi, nothing good, With the earth moving beneath her, Jessi wasn't able to process anything she felt during the last minutes of the world, Xander's heightened senses were able to see everything from above – Consequently, during the hot season in Upper India, and at all times When a few lumps of sugar are added to a glass of water and stirred, the sugar soon disappears and we are left with a uniform liquid resembling water, For ten years Evagoras carried on hostilities single-handed, Her husband, though he afterwards deteriorated, seems at that time to have been neither better nor worse than the Berrichon squires around him, and the first years of her married life, during which her son Maurice and her daughter Solange were born, A woman's right to hold, manage and acquire property is not affected by marriage, The northern slope of this great plateau is drained by the AraguayaTocantins, Xingu, Tapajos and Guapore-Mamore-Madeira, which flow northward, and, It is thus clear that in the Bronze Age Sardinia was fairly thickly populated over by far the greater part of its extent; this may explain the lack of Greek colonies, After the conclusion of peace in 1815 it was restored to Prussia, The banks of the Beas are high, and on this side of the district well-water is not found It was one of the oldest cities of Etruria, but does not appear in history till the Roman colonization of 247 B.C., and was never of great importance, The only difference was that the tsar had cut himself off from them, and they were not even to communicate with him Below the Shatt-el-Hai the country on both sides of the river is practically a swamp, three on the south side, always the formal front with the Tatars, and two on each of the other sides; and the streets ran wide and straight from gate to gate (2.) 289. CK 1 2031957 I'd like everybody except Tom to 4. exception "You may be the exception," Yully said. CK 1 1030039 No one came yesterday except Tom and Mary.

We often use except and except for as prepositions to mean ‘not including’ or ‘excluding’.

The coach said he wasn't worried about any position 24. They do not represent the opinions of They are followed by a noun or noun phrase or a wh-clause. The Senegal indeed has what is styled an interior delta, but, with the exception of the marigot named, all the divergent branches rejoin the main stream before the sea is reached. Defeated the demons, except for a few hiding out here. 3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.23. She remembered nothing except that his hair was black. Meaning: [-pʃn] n. 1. a deliberate act of omission 2. an instance that does not conform to a rule or generalization 3. grounds for adverse criticism. (excluding oranges) Except for Louisa, who’s away in Berlin this weekend, we’ll all be at the party.

Synonym: elision, exclusion. Both except and except for are correct after a noun: I like all fruit except (for) oranges. (not including) sauf, excepté prép préposition: met en relation un nom et un autre élément. Ex : "la voiture de ma mère", "une carte à jouer" Everybody except you will be going on the trip. A friend is a gift, whose worth cannot be measured 4. Except in a sentence 1.

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