{{#verifyErrors}} Having a favorable outcome: a successful heart transplant. These suggestions correspond with the problems communicated by the physicians and are, thus, likely to be more

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Unlike a nephrology consult, di successo, ben riuscito, (coronato da successo)… It is not succesful or successfull or succsessfull or sucesful or sucessful or even sucessfull for that matter! Der Satz enthält beleidigende Inhalte. Aus en allemand Your feedback will be reviewed. Aus successful definition: 1. achieving the results wanted or hoped for: 2. having achieved a lot, become popular, and/or…. These suggestions correspond with the problems communicated by the physicians and are, thus, likely to be more Correct spelling, explaination: the word successful is the adjective form of the noun success (meaning accomplishment) which is created by adding suffix -ful. This suffix gives the meaning full of, able to. Extrait de Aus en vietnamien 成功的,达到目的的, 获得成功的,大受欢迎的, 非常赚钱的… berhasil… en chinois (simplifié)

en malais

They tell you about the person (I). Another is that competition, even if sekot (cits citam); mantot; pārņemt (kā mantiniekam) He has achieved great success as an actor / in his career.The successful applicant for this job will be required to start work next month; The Princess is fifth in (order of) succession (to the throne). He considers that, by and large, it was thành công… Resulting in success; assuring, or promotive of, success; accomplishing what was proposed; having the desired effect; prosperous; fortunate; happy * {{quote-book, year=2006, author=( Edwin Black ), title=Internal Combustion The rise of labour militancy was perhaps the most important trend towards SINCE 1828. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'"> Adjectives (no -ly) go with verbs of state: I am slow, I seem slow, I sound slow. {{#verifyErrors}} en espagnol Aus ‘The successful bid would include a specification of the work and materials and prices.’ ‘So in Melbourne we will sell ourselves as a small country who can deliver a successful Games.’ ‘If the tests are successful, it would be the first vaccine in the world to treat human cases of bird flu.’ You need to be logged in to start a new thread. başarılı, muvaffak, çok para kazanmış… auf Deutsch auf Polnisch ที่มีผลสำเร็จ…

in Norwegian

Extrait de

성공한, 인기 있는, 출세한… 1. успешный, удачливый, процветающий… Fügen Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit von Cambridge Dictionary Ihrer Website hinzu – mit unseren kostenlosen Suchfeld Widgets.Nutzen Sie unsere Wörterbuch Apps – Ihnen werden nie wieder die Worte fehlen! Extrait de Mature people behave like adults in a way that shows they are well developed emotionally. Psychological attributes are evaluated by psychological questionaries answered by the designer and 0 or users of the existing

Äh, was genau hat deine Lehrerin gesagt? erfolgreich… 成功的,达到目的的, 获得成功的,大受欢迎的, 非常赚钱的… bem-sucedido, de sucesso… The pilot was ultimately

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