If you know this school, please share your views with us.All-through school (for example 3-18 years). If you are looking for an independent (or private) school to send your child to, it is important to consider many aspects of the school, such as the number of students, location, facilities, gender of students etc.If you are searching for an academically excellent school, it is also a good idea to consider the GCSE league table. - An all-through school covers junior and senior education. If you choose not to receive cookies, you may still use most of the features of our website.A mainstream independent school for girls aged from 11 to 18 with a linked junior school Four acre Sports Ground 5 mins away. The table below features the A-level league table results of the top 100 UK independent schools published by The Telegraph.
A variety of teaching methods are employed with these in mind. That is exactly what we aim to do at South Hampstead, one of the UK’s leading schools. Whilst there is no South Hampstead ‘type’, all our pupils are characterised by a certain spark: they all possess tremendous academic potential and are defined by their willingness to give things a go. When you visit the school, we hope you get the sense of that spirit, in a warm, friendly environment underpinned by values that matter: thoughtfulness, open-heartedness, respect, courage and honesty.We hope that our new Admissions system helps you to navigate the application process with ease. ‘I didn’t always want to teach, but during my final year at Oxford I realised that by the time I retired I wanted to have filled my head with something worthwhile and I felt that teaching classics is important to humanity.’ She ‘fell into’ working at girls’ schools and has found them ‘unpretentious, unstuffy, moving with the times.’ With an international upbringing, she feels at home amidst the cosmopolitan buzz of SHHS. South Hampstead High School Website Advertisement Entry in a School Guide or Website Reputation Recommendation Through the Girls’ Day School Trust Other (Please select all that apply.)
Started her career teaching classics at Guildford High; off to St Catherine's Bramley as head of classics, before returning to Guildford as deputy head in 2010. Junior School (4-11) With so many good schools to choose from, finding the best fit for your daughter is key. The Senior School has a Learning Needs Co-ordinator. Click Here for the Video - SAU 21 Joint Board Meeting on the Return to School Plan held Tuesday, August 5th at 6:00 p.m. Click here to view the Plan that was presented. South Hampstead High School is located in London and falls under the local authority of Camden.This girls only school has 929 pupils, with a capacity of 934, aged from four up to eighteen, and the type of establishment is other independent school.
We are part of the Girls’ Day School Trust – the UK’s leading network of independent girls’ schools, with 25 schools and academies united in one purpose: to help every girl fulfil her potential and to lead the way in providing an unrivalled education. If you would like to provide any additional information that was not specifically requested, or if you have any questions, you may use the space below. We want the girls to be themselves, try new things, develop and express their own opinions and stand up for what they believe in. Making an application to South Hampstead High School Find independent schools near me. ‘You learn early on about the value of women,’ said a sixth former. Sign up for our popular newsletters.Our site uses cookies to keep track of how often you visit our site, previous purchases and to deliver content specific to your interests. The schools we choose, and what we say about them, are founded on parents’ views. The rankings are based on the percentage of A and A* grades achieved by students who took A-levels in 2018. South Hampstead High School is an independent day school in Hampstead, north-west London, England, which was founded by the Girls' Day School Trust (GDST). The nursery and primary schools and one campus of the senior school are in Hampstead; Phoenix School (Mixed) South Hampstead Junior School (Girls) Southbank International School (Mixed) St Anthony’s Preparatory School (Boys, Catholic) St Anthony's School for Girls (Girls, Catholic) St Christopher's School (Girls) St Margaret's School (Girls) It is for girls aged 4–18 with selective entry at ages 4+, 7+, 11+ and 16+ (Sixth Form).
A tradition of celebrating girls’ education and empowerment, with a suffrage week of events to mark the centenary of women gaining the vote. However, the school is not resourced to offer specialist assessment nor specialist teaching to girls with special educational needs. Established in 1876 and part of the Girls’ Day Schools Trust. About GDST. New Communications: Youth employment papers are currently being processed by the NH Department of Labor or at the SAU office BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
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