Thinking of You - Sister Sledge Tabbed by Nocentelli This should be played with a clean compressed guitar sound. Chordie is a This should be played with a clean compressed guitar sound. Thinking of You - Sister Sledge Tabbed by Nocentelli This should be played with a clean compressed guitar sound. Enjoy! Guitar chords and guitar tablature made easy. Nile Rogers plays lots of and left hand-muted chords with melodic flourishes a la Curtis Mayfield/Hendrix, but with heavy emphasis on the rhythmn of piece. We'll get snapshot of this page, ads identifiers and will analyze it. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Guitar solo with "Thinking of you" chords by Sister Sledge YouTube Instaguitars vol.11 ギター動画集 - Duration: 33:41. A Bm G Gm I guess second best is all I will know [Chorus] D Em Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you (thinking of you, thinking of you) G Thinking of … Chordie is a This should be played with a clean compressed guitar sound.

Enjoy! Wait a second, we are searching and sorting best tabs for Hi! A Bm G Gm I guess second best is all I will know [Chorus] D Em Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you (thinking of you, thinking of you) G Thinking of … Helen / Capo on 2nd fret / Intro - Am7 Em7 F7 C7 x 4 Am7 Em7 Am7 Em7 x 4 / Verse - Am7 Em7 … You can now report bad ads if you suffer from sound/video ads.Just be on page with bad ads and submit it to us via form below. Requested video on how to play Thinking of You by Sister Sledge. Happy funking

Last updated on 09.12.2016 Just be on page with bad ads and submit it to us via form below. Thinking of You - Sister Sledge Tabbed by Nocentelli This should be played with a clean compressed guitar sound. Choose and determine which version of Thinking Of You chords and tabs by Sister Sledge you can play. ----- THINKING OF YOU - Sister Sledge ----- Tabbed by: ryanhand91 Tuning: Standard Timing and muting are the key to making Each of slides in the verse need to start on the beat and last a semi-quaver (16th note) in length. Wait a second, we are searching and sorting best tabs for Hi! As I say I can't play this one great myself but it's something I like to work on and these are the chords Nile plays. Thinking of You - Sister Sledge Tabbed by Nocentelli This should be played with a clean compressed guitar sound. We'll get snapshot of this page Thinking Of You / It's my pleasure to contribute to UG. Helen / Capo on 2nd fret / Intro - Am7 Em7 F7 C7 x 4 Am7 Em7 Am7 Em7 x 4 / Verse - Am7 Em7 … You can now report bad ads if you suffer from sound/video ads.Just be on page with bad ads and submit it to us via form below. We'll get snapshot of this page Choose and determine which version of Thinking Of You chords and tabs by Sister Sledge you can play. Last updated on 09.12.2016 Just be on page with bad ads and submit it to us via form below. Nile Rogers plays lots of and left hand-muted chords with melodic flourishes a la Curtis Mayfield/Hendrix, but with I have not annotated any muting: You will need to listen to the song to pick up the feel Please note, these chords are my interpretation of the overall arrangement of the Repeat a few times, then do this a few times (this is also the chorus) The verse is the intro riff, cycled around with variations, and ending Guitar chords and guitar tablature made easy. Nile Rogers plays lots of and left hand-muted chords with melodic flourishes a la Curtis Mayfield/Hendrix, but with heavy emphasis on the rhythmn of piece. Nile Rogers plays lots of and left hand-muted chords with melodic flourishes a la Curtis Mayfield/Hendrix, but with I have not annotated any muting: You will need to listen to the song to pick up the feel Please note, these chords are my interpretation of the overall arrangement of the Repeat a few times, then do this a few times (this is also the chorus) The verse is the intro riff, cycled around with variations, and ending ----- THINKING OF YOU - Sister Sledge ----- Tabbed by: ryanhand91 Tuning: Standard Timing and muting are the key to making Each of slides in the verse need to start on the beat and last a semi-quaver (16th note) in length. We'll get snapshot of this page, ads identifiers and will analyze it. Guitar solo with "Thinking of you" chords by Sister Sledge - Duration: 1:18.

Thinking Of You / It's my pleasure to contribute to UG.

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