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Same goes for all of the ATP events, the attendees may very often be London hipsters in spray on jeans with NHS specs and subscriptions to The Wire, but I've always found them to be very friendly.As a general rule for UK festivals, if it's got a capacity of any more than 10,000 and/or is anything to do with Festival Republic you're better off giving it a miss.As a general rule for UK festivals, if it's got a capacity of any more than 10,000 you're better off giving it a missLook local.. IMO there are some truly great small festivals springing up all over the country..It was happening at Green Man as well. It was hilarious to the point I could barely stand, please remember I had at this point been drinking for 12 hours.

Used to be different names, but it looks like "Alan" has become the standard. We've all probably seen the clip on youtube of the Prairie dog from 'Walk on the wildside' on Youtube.

Henley-on-Thames! 26th Annual Downtown Sarasota Craft Festival (Sarasota, FL) !! and much more! Download All Craft Festival Events *Art Festivals *Craft Festivals. This has happened at Leeds fest every time I have been. Alans and Steves were echoing around the campsite for hours! Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.It had me in stitches most of the night at woodlands camp site @ silverstone, but like you split I had been drinking a wee bit since I arrived on the thursday lol Don't go.

**** annoying after a few hours!Good laugh, but not something I could cope with these days.It's from animal magic or whatever it was called, I really liked Alan, along with the flatulent gorilla. Video, Enjoy! Rewind Festival 2013...ALAN! Content on is generated by its users. Failing that go with bogie from dick n Dom in da house.When I went to the NASS festival a few years back, they were shouting 'Bo***ks all the time, I found out it was competition to see who could shout it the loudest!Bollocks, glastonbury 94, I think that may have actually been my fault (I should point out I only shouted it about six times after my tent repeatedly failed to remain erect, but it spread like wildfire)Another observation is the amount of fake tan. The BBC wildlife show which dubbed a marmot so he was shouting Alan, then Steve. tried to explain how funny it was to some mates who didn't go, they just looked at me with a blank expression! Shocking.Mate of mine would shout "Hedgehog" at gigs. is an independent Volkswagen enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope Inc. In 2009. Don't go. remember at reading festival when there were genuine mexican waves of shouting going round the whole campsite that was so cool — Ella Ruby (@ellarvby) January 6, 2016 The Original BBC Alan!

?I have been to a few festivals in my time but never one this bad for drugs and idiots. This weekend at the GP campsite on Saturday night, someone shouted Alan and the collective went mental. Yeah this was happening at V fest aswel. The naughtiest campsite full of very happy campers. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. Shouting Alan at Festivals, where did it come from? You currently have javascript disabled. If anyone knows of a festival where they don't allow self-involved knobbers to enter, please let me know (although perhaps they wouldn't let me in, so who knows).I can heartily recommend Truck in Oxfordshire, it's nothing to do with Trucks, but one of them forms the main stage and consequently gives name to the event.I can confirm that the people who attend End of the Road are also lovely. It's funny if you've never been to a festival before…re End of the Road. None of us, including him, could ever figure out why.Are you sure he wasn't repeatedly shouting 'Dan' in an Alan Partridge stylee?

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