A An updated version entitled "A brief introduction to Shannon's information theory" is available on arXiv (2018). 0000001643 00000 n
It was the result of crucial contributions made by many distinct individuals, from a variety of backgrounds, who took his ideas and expanded upon them.

Information Theory Information Theory before Shannon To understand the contributions, motivations and methodology of Claude Shannon, it is important to examine the state of communication engineering before the advent of Shannon™s 1948 paper, fiA Mathematical Theory of Communicationfl. 0000002012 00000 n <>
Information theory studies the quantification, storage, and communication of information. 0000001782 00000 n

2.- Shannon’s theory

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%PDF-1.4 %���� "information" meant for communication engineers and proposed a precise way to quantify it. This is an introduction to Shannon's Information Theory. performance given by the theory. Before Shannon’s paper, information had been viewed as a kind of poorly de ned miasmic uid. 0000001463 00000 n x��[ms��NU���Gl�KfS����Dr|�r�'�S�l�H���%Q9���{���"]V]�dn� �F�>�����F����������g��6�g?�)~�)._m�c�6=m�_���fGs��h�7�Ά�7�ؿ�Ry��)������˷���7�6�{~��*n������o���N�g1c�^{ZT��J��o�Kc��ã��?�I ��;=Z�L�l����̰�����d��|��d&�4K�F���v��6�䆛��cT�C�N>R�Mz�Ŭi4AW���ʘ�.���.1�Y������Ә�VfLSC�~�c�n�{[�e[�L`%hK��S�4/�b�O�yP� o��������x�� ��N�1� ʼ�H{�̫����MI�!�W$��\��\JR%�ʒ�>U�i�I{�iݬ5݉e?�'v��-�r�F�;�d9ƌ�bg;��^y��96�r�+7Nf��?�F���hyV������?���t(�t��A�S~���F�Xa �I�j�y�X�$�k��X�+�Sx�R81�l2nT��e��Y�u���w��-=��h�7�䩆| ��M�E_"y���>zFV�R� �������.�����W���H*��N���? %PDF-1.4 194 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 196 /H [ 792 693 ] /L 450452 /E 43634 /N 27 /T 446453 >> endobj xref 194 13 0000000016 00000 n

This task will allow us to propose, in Section 10, a formal reading of the concept of Shannon information, according to which the epistemic and the physical views are different possible models of the formalism. A Mathematical Theory of Communication By C. E. SHANNON INTRODUCTION T HE recent development of various methods of modulation such as PCM and PPM which exchange bandwidth for signal-to-noise ratio has intensified the interest in a general theory of communication. 0000002667 00000 n stream According to him, the information content of any kind of message could be measured in binary digits, or just bits-a name suggested by a colleague at Bell Labs. of Shannon’s theory, the epistemic and the physical interpretations, will be emphasized in Section 9. 0000040725 00000 n Information Theory was not just a product of the work of Claude Shannon. It was originally proposed by Claude Shannon in 1948 to find fundamental limits on signal processing and communication operations such as data compression, in a landmark paper titled "A Mathematical Theory of Communication". Shannon’s discovery of the fundamental laws ofdatacompression andtransmission marks the birth ofInformation Theory. Information theory was born in a surpris-ingly rich state in the classic papers of Claude E. Shannon [131] [132] which contained the basic results for simple memoryless sources and channels and in-troduced more general communication systems models, including nite state sources and channels.

information. Shannon took the bit as the fundamental unit in information theory. 0000000792 00000 n ':؞�I���[ [�VH���A�ϱ�p����>aB�G�[�GO�t%�i�TL΃9��>��g�'B�vxF�y�=S�Dy8�Ab��\�;��4�م?^mR��m�`~F���Yz����Ë�˛,,] ��5��#B!�4�\G��a'��*�WdZ�dL��-���W~��Na�Z�/g�1 (t� �"ϋ�Tƭ&� �nF7��?�_��,J�FJ�RB��q�졐 ��w�뀤!�Y�-�>�\�He}^T~�= ���������;��r�i2L$�*>zU��Ɯ�,�lb����dC,TX� �oRU�lp#^#���+\�{�6����� y�e��fA�y���=h�i��]y�uމ%N��� �)m��+���L�F�I})O,Bve���3;�w(�������:�������gw�י�8��كxx+l�`��&;p^q��Y�F�D��;�6��&��=�ܕ�w But after Shannon’s paper, it became apparent that information is a well-de ned and, above all, measurable quantity. 5 0 obj 0000001485 00000 n Keywords: information,entropy,channelcapacity,mutualinformation,AWGN 1 Preface Claud Shannon’s paper “A mathematical theory of communication” [2] published in July and October of 1948 is the Magna Carta of the information age.

Indeed, as noted by Shannon, A basic idea in information theory is that information can be treated very much 0000000611 00000 n Its impact has been crucial to the success of the Voyager missions to deep space, the invention of the compact disc, the feasibility of mobile phones, the development of the Internet, the stud…

Indeed the diversity and directions of their perspectives and interests shaped the direction of Information Theory. 0000040804 00000 n

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