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Sometimes when I’m too lazy to do that I’ll just do several skins of the leftover essence after I remove the sheet mask, or even apply the extra essence on top of the mask I already have on. Applying a sheet mask may seem pretty straightforward. Sheet mask instructions typically say to use the mask immediately after cleansing and toning. Thanks. In comparison, if I put serums/essences on my face w/o a mask… 30 mins later my face is dry as the Sahara!Hi Fiddy!

I just use the Selena Multi Layer Cotton puffs--they're super cheap and last forever, and as an added benefit you can use them for applications other than sheet masks, since they are just thin cotton sheets. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

I put two essences on my face, and immediately put one of those reusable silicone Daiso masks on my face for 30 mins.Kind of amazing how after 30 mins of wearing the silicone mask… there’s still a thin film of serum/essence on my face after I take it off. You could maybe try multiple skins to use it up quicker, and keeping it refrigerated? After your skin has soaked up the juicy goodness of a sheet mask, it may seem a bit redundant to apply yet another layer of moisture.

I just tried it during the sephora sale and now I'm in love. Shop the Mask Set Created By An Esthetician . Skincare, beauty, and occasional mental health, productivity, and hamster buttsFiddy, why do you use your sheet mask after your essences and serums and not before?I’ve answered the question in comments a couple of times, but it comes up pretty frequently, so today I’m going to answer it here!First of all, though, I totally get the confusion.

I use the rest of the essence as is without putting the cotton mask back in.Is there really any issues with reusing a sheet mask beside a bit of an ick factor? Sheet masks typically are great for daily use - if you want a fast track to well hydrated skin.

I usually use the cotton mask pellets or some cotton pads. Typically, yes. Perfectly ready for cream or sleeping pack!But Fiddy, how do you know the sheet mask isn’t actually just washing everything off of your face?Because I have specific expectations for what the rest of my skincare is doing, and for the most part (and especially when it comes to products I’ve been using for a long time and know to be effective), I can see them working. Then you remove it after the instructed amount of time has passed. For me, though, the overall effect falls short of using sheet masks after treatment steps. You will see than even > 24ml sheetmask essence is good for this.Another way, since you really want to use the leftover, it would be:squeezing out the essence into a clean bottle firstthen pour the remaining essence in the pack into the same bottleUse that essence again in the morning between your toner and moisturiser, as per normal..without sheet mask.The remaining usually is not a lot and will be just enough.i just use the leftover essence on my neck, chest, hands, and arms.

I personally wouldn’t use it past 24-48 hoursI use the innisfree mask sheets and get them from YesStyle.

I've always disliked the sheet mask pellets, since they seem to soak up all of the essence and still feel dry. You might like it as much as I do!Hello Fiddy, that’s an awesome post!

STEP 4: TREATMENTS. Hi Fiddy, This is a great post!! I think it could be even more beneficial at helping water-soluble ingredients get through sebum, but that’s just a guess from me I have sensitive, dehydrated/oily skin and I’ve been doing a sort of ‘Frankenstein version’ of your sheet mask routine for a few months now… I’m happy to report it works a treat!My sensitive skin makes me wary of buying packaged sheet masks (I had a bad case of seborrheic dermatitis, but have had it totally under control since discovering the Asian Beauty reddit), so I’ve been focused on buying serums/essences that are best suited to my skin type. But it turns out there’s a reason behind that ‘ follow with moisturizer ’ line in the directions.
I also liked the idea of getting some sheet mask 'pellets' to use with the extra serums but didn't know which brands to even start with.I don't think that re-using the sheet mask itself would be hygienic? On the other hand, using a sheet mask after piling on the serums almost always results in everything getting sucked right in to my skin. It smells and feels yeasty though, which is cool.

You can buy dry sheet masks and soak them with the leftover mask essence instead.Personally, I prefer to squeeze all the leftover essence out of the packaging and into a little plastic pot, and use it as a regular essence. Or sometimes I just give the extra essence with a compressed sheet to my roommate so she can use it that same day. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. There are no brighteners. Your homework are these blogs”)…HOW DO I TRAVEL?

It is lovely to use but I can't see any results. You need material that’s very thin in order to do that effectively thoughThis is exactly what I do, and I have had a lot of success with it!I keep it in its package and put a chip clip on it to keep it from evaporating.

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