After doing a lot of googling I came up with a number of things but I …

- The plasma splash screens are downloaded from the KDE Store: Start here for a quick overview of the site This short tutorial will show you how to make the desired screen resolution permanent. Tried google,but didn't get what I want. Set to breeze for the default Plasma theme. Anybody can answer Editing themes.

i just need to know how to customize it for my needs@user26687 I updated the question, thanks for the answer. Set the current theme through the Current value, e.g.

Detailed answers to any questions you might have The problem only happens on the initial screen after The Overflow Blog Learn more about Stack Overflow the company – WooJoo Jan 12 '17 at 12:11 sddm is installed default with kubuntu. A display manager, or login manager, is a program that manages graphical display servers and handles user logins. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us

(or whatever dpi .. mine is 120 because it is 'high dpi')I do have -dpi 96 on my X11 ServerArguments in /etc/sddm.confNo further ideas then except trying 120 instead of 96...When I install Manjaro KDE (I have a 24" monitor) I also get a 800x600 sddm screen.I always carry on and login and then correct DPI setting in System Settings/Fonts to 96This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. sddm is installed default with kubuntu. From what I've read it appears that it has to be generated. Once you are logged in it gets everything right. Discuss the workings and policies of this site LXDE has the same problem, but the solution looks slightly different. Featured on Meta I tried updating my /etc/sddm.conf to set the dpi but it does not solve it. If a PC is connected to a 1920x1080 monitor and a 1080x768 projector the SDDM login screen on the monitor is too large. Jun 5 2019, 6:41 PM Closed by commit R120:b9734166ce48: [SDDM theme] Use the biggest wallpaper resolution (authored by filipf ). The default SDDM theme directory is /usr/share/sddm/themes/. Current=archlinux-simplyblack. When Lubuntu is installed in a virtual machine, the screen resolution always goes back to 800x600 after rebooting. For example, for SDDM, enable sddm.service.

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The problem only happens on the initial screen after booting. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under This is a minor issue which is easily corrected. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Ask Ubuntu works best with JavaScript enabled My screen resolution is set at 1024 x 768 and that's too big for my laptops screen. An example with the apt-get and the theme sddm-theme-circles:2) Change the theme from the KDE SDDM control module Current theme. I'm not sure this should go here as I can login OK but I have a cosmetic issue with SDDM. If you have already installed another display-manager like sddm you can switch the active one with sudo dpkg-reconfigure sddm.

As a linux user my first thought was to simply change it in xorg.conf. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. Also I'd like to change that loading animation screen too.How can I use new login screens with custom layouts?1) Install package from your package manager. filipf added a dependency: D21611: [sddm-theme] Set source size for wallpaper. KDE System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM)With the plasma 5.9 or newer: Use the KDE SDDM control module.Plasma splash screen is a short qml script. When running multiple screens on KDE with SDDM, your configuration will not be loaded until you actually login to the KDE desktop, so you might end up having screens out of order, or enabled/disabled when they should not be. When I first boot up and get the initial login screen the resolution is too high (double my desktop resolution). this made me find a new bug in my hidpi script. When I first boot up and get the initial login screen the resolution is too high (double my desktop resolution). However, after I login then logging out will display the login screen with the correct resolution. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. This should work out of the box. See systemd#Change default target to boot into. The plasma splash is part of the plasma look and feel theme or with the plasma 5.13 it is possible to install the splash screens from the KDE System settings:A bug report: Bug 358839 - Splash screen not easily customizable from the splash screen settings menu.

But I don't know how. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including If not, you might have to reset a custom symlink to point to the default Anybody can ask a question Can I tell SDDM the screen resolutions of both screens at that point - just so it looks nice for users. After enabling SDDM a symlink display-manager.service should be set in /etc/systemd/system/. I'll try it out@WooJoo your comment happens to answer my question exactly because this answer comes up when you try searching for changing sddm - I'll happily upvote an answer from you even if it doesn't exactly answer this question - I'd argue it does argue what's in the title

It only takes a minute to sign up.I'd like to install and try new login screen with custom layouts.

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