I thank God for having a trustable person like you as a Best Friend.
Thank you for everything that you sacrifice yourself to do for me. But, your love and affection had crossed the limit I thought it will stop. You are God-sent indeed. My sincere appreciation goes to you my Best Friend, for all that you’ve been doing to me. Before, life was full of boredom and misery when I was alone sometimes back. But still, I find me always smiling and happy about it. The pilcrowcan be used as an indentfor separate paragraphs or to designate a new paragraphin one long piece of copy, The pilcrowwas used in the Middle Ages to mark a new train of thought, before the convention of physically discrete paragraphs was a common practice. I will like to use this Paragraph to admit my gratitude to you, over my happiness for the goodies you’ve been giving to me, most times. Your sincere and consistent words of advice is indeed a great motivation to my growth as a person. I’m sincerely grateful for that.122. Such that, it makes me go a step further to crush my goals, always. Your courage, determination and hard-working spirit are always inspiring and motivating. I adore you for always being there, for your cute smiles, lovely dimples, shaky gaits, caring heart and timeless gifts that you always bring for me, even when I least expect such from you. Because your love deeds always leave a footprint on my mind that never fades in a hurry. Thank you for being so helpful to me. I appreciate you and I Thank you so much.109.
My family members have become so much fond of you.
I appreciate you, dear.134. I love you so much, my Best Friend.22. I adore every single thing about you… Your smile, gaits, angelic voice, tenderness and kind heart. The love, support, concern and care shown to us during the moment of grief when we lost one of us is really out of this world. Being your friend is indeed a plus to anyone who wants to be a super-achiever. I love you not because you’ve made me your Best Friend. To you my Best Friend, your presence in my life is a life-changing. For being my Best Friend.67. Thank you for all that you’ve been doing to me, even when I don’t ask you for help.
You can make frequently used technical non-fancy symbols like "√ ∑ π ∞ ∆ ™ © æ £ ¢" and åccénted letters on Mac using [Option] key. Thank you so much for the tons of generous gifts, cards and souvenirs you’ve been sending for me. I really thank you for all that you’ve done for me. Yes, you have been more like a backbone to my life and a constant supporter of my aspirations. I will never regret the day that I met you.80. As your Best Friend, a Paragraph is not enough to appreciate your concern, affection, support, care and sacrifice which you make just to give me joy. You tend to understand my needs whenever I’m in need of your help. See, I got your back my Best Friend.63.
When everybody disliked and even dejected me you were still there for me, way more than I expected from anyone. You are so amazing that one could ever think of.121. I sometimes wonder why you do so many things to me that I least expect. I appreciate being your Best Friend dear.74. I want to use this Paragraph as your Best Friend to show my heartfelt appreciation for your condolence visit and the compassion you showed us when we lost a beloved member.117. When I’m in need of help and I’m stranded as to what I need to solve a problem, your support is always there. Thank you so much because your affection that has been so exceptional and out of this world. I wouldn’t have been where I am today without your help, my Best Friend.36. I am so happy that I have such a generous person like you as my chum.
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