In phyloseq: Handling and analysis of high-throughput microbiome census data. We sampled the ICU during the 45 days after re-opening; however, within that time frame, the alpha diversity never reached pre-closure levels. LiPuma JJ, Gerber SI, Srinivasan A. Outbreak of Burkholderia cepacia complex among ventilated pediatric patients linked to hospital sinks. While the 16S rRNA PCR-based methodologies we employed enable us to explore the presence of bacteria that could otherwise be missed by culture alone, there are some inherent challenges. We would adjust for the measurement error by adding 5 units to each measurement before comparing them. Overall, this study provides foundational data on how microbes colonize and evolve on surfaces during times of renovations, a process facing many aging healthcare facilities.All sequences included in this study have been deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under BioProject accession PRJNA575544.2017 National and State Healthcare-Associated Infection Progress Report [Haque M, Sartelli M, McKimm J, Bakar MA.

Performed experiments: TB, JHS, LKS, and ML. The role of water in healthcare-associated infections.

rrn DB: documenting the number of rRNA and tRNA genes in bacteria and archaea. On the bedrail, We next determined the bacterial taxa that significantly differed between relevant renovation stages within each of the sample sources (Fig. Magalhaes M, Doherty C, Govan J, Vandamme P. Polyclonal outbreak of Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteraemia in haemodialysis patients.

Wrote and edited the manuscript: JC, KA, DS, AM, FJT, and DTP. Here, the environmental microbiota may be of particular interest as it represents the interface between environmental factors and the child. A mathematical theory of communication. The author is grateful to Berry Brosi, the MBL, the STAMPS course directors, and the STAMPS participants for countless discussions on this topic. There is one keyboard per room that is accessed by the bedside nurse and respiratory therapist assigned to the patient. You can also search for this author in

2018;16(3):143.Mandic-Mulec I, Stefanic P, van Elsas JD. The Rhizobiaceae: molecular biology of model plant-associated bacteria: Springer Science & Business Media; 2012.Bergogne-Berezin E: Pseudomonas and miscellaneous gram-negative bacilli. J Med Microbiol. Commonly, microbiome studies report on species diversity as a key metric for health.

Alpha&Diversity:*within*sample*diversity* Sample1 & Sample2 & Sample3 & Sample4 & Marker!based*metagenomic*tutorial* 2* Gastmeier P, Schwab F, Bärwolff S, Rüden H, Grundmann H. Correlation between the genetic diversity of nosocomial pathogens and their survival time in intensive care units. Nature Rev Microbiol. This trend was also observed for the Shannon and Faith’s PD (Figure S4). Outbreak of Burkholderia cepacia bacteremia traced to contaminated hospital water used for dilution of an alcohol skin antiseptic. Bacterial competition: surviving and thriving in the microbial jungle. In addition to handwashing, small amounts of medications may be discarded in the sink during the process of priming intravenous tubing. Lee ZM-P, Bussema C III, Schmidt TM. Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity. We chose to examine the microbiota of bedrails and keyboards because they represent high-use patient care surfaces that have previously been shown to capture the interface between healthcare worker and patient microbiota accurately [After DNA extraction, 16S rRNA amplification/sequencing, and quality filtering, 532 samples were included in the analysis (151 from bedrail swabs, 172 from keyboard swabs, and 209 from sink swabs; Table SFor each sample source (bedrail, keyboard, and sink) and renovation stage (BC, AC, BO, and AO), we examined the alpha diversity of the bacterial communities by calculating the number of Observed OTUs, the Shannon index (a measure that accounts for both richness and evenness), and Faith’s PD (a measure that incorporates phylogenetic differences between species) [Additionally, we compared the alpha diversity of the bedrail, keyboard, and sink samples at each renovation stage (Figure S3).

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