TENS of thousands fewer pupils are sitting the Religious Studies (RS) GCSE exam, confirming a continuing sharp decline in the subject’s popularity. AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723).

Entries in the subject continued to decline, from 229,189 last year to … Compiled by Education Datalab, the tables show entries have decreased slightly, falling from 17,024 last year to 16,214. 9781471866340 The entries data is England all ages. Published 1 May 2019 | PDF | 592 KB. There is also the Attainment 8 score to factor in, which measures the achievement of a pupil across eight qualifications.

All rights reserved. We have explained our approach to setting standards in GCSEs … The proportion reaching the top grades has also decreased, with 4.2 per cent receiving an A*, down from 4.5 per cent last year, 21.5 per cent getting an A or A* down from 22.5 per cent.

S/he will be involved in a wide range of activities aimed at furthering the College and University strategy, especially in relation to the personal development of students and the future development of the College. The 2019 GCSE exam sentiment thread! www.schoolsweek.co.uk © Learning & Skills Events Consultancy and Training Limited. Autumn 2020 exam dates confirmed This move particularly hurt numbers signing up to short-course RS, because many schools used the miniature qualification as a way of more efficiently using the compulsory class time that they are obliged to devote to RS (Although all schools are compelled by law still to offer religious education to Key Stage 4 pupils, even if it is not part of a formal GCSE qualification, the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE) warned that many were flouting their obligations.About one third of schools, according to the Government’s own data, had no provision to teach RS in Year 11; so pupils not taking the subject as a GCSE would receive no education in it at all, NATRE said.Speaking for the Religious Education Council of England and Wales, its chief executive, Rudolf Eliott Lockhart, said that the exclusion of short-course GCSEs and the decision not to include RS in the standard Ebacc measure by which school league tables are drawn up had made “a disastrous impact”.“There are now almost 200,000 fewer Key Stage 4 pupils studying for a qualification in Religious Studies than there were in 2011,” he said. looking back further, the numbers of children taking RS has fallen significantly: by 28 per cent in the past four years and 43 per cent since 2011.This means that more than 200,000 fewer pupils are taking the subject compared with eight years ago.The decline in popularity of RS is largely a result of fewer students’ taking short-course RS, a much smaller subject that is equivalent to half a normal GCSE.In recent years, short-course RS has declined significantly, although, until 2016, the full GCSE version was actually growing in numbers.Since 2013, schools have no longer been allowed to add short-course qualifications to their overall GCSE tally. A-level and AS-level Exam Discussions 2019 religious studies gcse aqa 2019 My GCSEs/IGCEs, What are/were yours? “This is particularly distressing, given how popular the subject is with pupils and how relevant it is in today’s world.”The decline in GCSE RS is mirrored by a similar fall at A level: 26 per cent fewer pupils are taking the subject beyond GCSE than did in 2017 New research by academics from Liverpool Hope University and University College London suggests that most of those sitting RS are from faith schools.Only 30 per cent of pupils from non-faith schools received the qualification last year, compared with 95 per cent of students at Roman Catholic schools and 68 per cent of those at Church of England schools.There were also links to poverty: schools that did offer RS GCSE on average had fewer pupils on free school meals.More than 700 schools stopped offering RS at GCSE level altogether from 2017 to 2018, the researchers also found.Overall, GCSE results across Britain improved. This summer, only 264,000 students gained an RS qualification at GCSE level, a decline of 3.8 per cent compared with last year’s total of 276,000.

Religious Studies; GCSE; Religious Studies A; Assessment resources; Assessment resources. Results day for GCSEs is on Thursday, August 22, 2019. Students at Lichfield Cathedral School after receiving their GCSE results. Exam results statistics – … Refine.

Plus Advice How did that exam go?! Setting standards in GCSEs in 2019.

The Chaplain will work closely with the College student support team and in partnership with the University Student Support and Wellbeing Directorate.We are a newly formed benefice set in South Staffordshire and neighbouring the Cathedral city of Lichfield.The Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich wishes to appoint a Bishops’ Ministry Officer to assist the Diocesan Bishop and the Bishop of Dunwich in their ministry of care and nurture for the clergy and authorised ministers of the diocese by facilitating a holistic approach to ministerial development and well-being.In cooperation with the patrons Keble College, Oxford The Diocese of Chester seeks a part time (50% stipend 3.5 days + Sunday) Priest.​To explore the Church Times website fully, please sign in or subscribe.Non-subscribers can read four articles for free each month. The head teacher, Susan Hannam, expressed delight that 39 per cent of all g...TENS of thousands fewer pupils are sitting the Religious Studies (RS) GCSE exam, confirming a continuing sharp decline in the subject’s popularity.This summer, only 264,000 students gained an RS qualification at GCSE level, a decline of 3.8 per cent compared with last year’s total of 276,000.But.

Here are the trends in religious studies GCSE grades for 2019. Eduqas GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies Route A: Religious, Philosophical and Ethical studies and Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

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