The Region of Peel is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate translations and will not be held responsible for any damage or issues that may result from using Bing Microsoft Translator. The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted our community, our families, and our businesses. Please note that accuracy, page structure and accessibility may vary across languages. Take them to a CRC for disposal.Going into the community to test people in high-risk workplaces and other outbreak settings.As we continue to respond to the pandemic, we're preparing for recovery.Steps to stay safe, rebuild our economy and help communities thrive.Take a 360° tour of the artistic preoccupations of Winnipeg-based Simon Hughes. View cases of COVID-19 in the Region of Peel. We've developed a Demobilization and Recovery Plan and we're committed to supporting community recovery from COVID-19. Translation on this website is carried out by Bing Microsoft Translator, a third-party provider. The Region of Peel's health department updated COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, recoveries and deaths on Sunday indicating that as of 12:00 p.m. the were 3,064 confirmed or probably cases in the region including 1,603 in Mississauga, 1,380 in Brampton and 75 in Caledon. The Region of Peel publishes data from the Integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) at 1 p.m. every day. Darryl shares a behind-the-scenes, eye-opening look inside Sheridan Villa's Supportive Care Unit.Weâve created posters and checklists to help you protect everyone in your workplace during COVID-19We're working with providers to ensure everyone's health and safetyCeramics and porcelain tiles don't go in recycling or the garbage. Peel Region is located in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) west of Toronto. Translation on this website is carried out by Bing Microsoft Translator, a third-party provider. The Region of Peel is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate translations and will not be held responsible for any damage or issues that may result from using Bing Microsoft Translator.As we take strides to recovery, continue to protect yourself and others from Serving close to 1.5 million residents and more than 175,000 businesses in Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga. This includes a dashboard with information on COVID-19 in Peel and an interactive map of COVID-19 cases in Peel. Planning Peel Region's recovery from COVID-19. The Region of Peel consists of the municipalities of Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga. Our services impact the lives of residents every day.Nursing during COVID 19. main Coronavirus (COVID-19) Please note that accuracy, page structure and accessibility may vary across languages. The Region of Peel is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate translations and will not be held responsible for any damage or issues that may result from using Bing Microsoft Translator. Please note that accuracy, page structure and accessibility may vary across languages. Mississauga (/ ˌ m ɪ s ɪ ˈ s ɑː ɡ ə / ()) is a city in the Canadian province of Ontario.It is situated on the shores of Lake Ontario in the Regional Municipality of Peel, bordering Toronto to the east.With a population of 721,599 as of the 2016 census, Mississauga is the sixth-most populous municipality in Canada, third-most in Ontario, and second-most in the Greater Toronto Area. City of Mississauga Preparing to Enter Stage 3 of Province’s Reopening Plan COVID-19 | July 29, 2020 Following the Government of Ontario’s announcement today, Mississauga, as part of the Region of Peel, has been given the green light to enter Stage 3 of Ontario’s Framework for Reopening Our Province on Friday, July 31. The Region of Peel is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate translations and will not be held responsible for any damage or issues that may result from using Bing Microsoft Translator.We provide over 599 million litres of safe, high-quality drinking water throughout Peel every day.Get the details on water rates, paying your water bill and updating your account.Resources for water maintenance on your property and in your home.Try our tips for using less water in your home and garden.Discover how water is processed and purified before it reaches your home.Learn what happens to used water that leaves your home.We ensure that the water you drink meets the highest standards.
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