His directorial style depended more on the pacing of action and dialogue rather on visual texture and composition.
Was voted the 28th Greatest Director of all time by "Entertainment Weekly". Intrepid Laughter: Preston Sturges and the Movies, 55–56This included a film Sturges was involved with as producer, Preston Sturges' own life is as unlikely as some of the plots of his best work. He had filmed Internally, studio heads expressed serious reservations about them, as did the censors at the Sturges was a temperamental talent who fully recognized his own worth. He was the first of the writer directors and was soon followed by such as John Huston, Billy Wilder, Nunnally Johnson, Samuel Fuller and Blake Edwards. He was awarded an Oscar for his script of 'The Great McGinty' in 1940 and was nominated twice in 1944 for 'The Miracle of Morgan's Creek' and 'Hail the Conquering Hero', both for writer.
They were marked by their verbal wit, opportune comic timing, and eccentric, outrageously funny camo characterizations. Pages 1085-1090. Even at the time of his greatest success , he was overshadowed by the emotions aroused by the war and the revolutionary 'Citizen Kane'. Interred at Ferncliff Cemetery, Hartsdale, NY. That the invariable fairy godfather of each picture is not only expressive of his own cold-blooded cynicism but of typical Hollywood fantasy is an example of how this works.
Wry explorations of the sexual politics of the time, with a typically strong, crafty female lead who often runs intellectual circles around a gullible, idealistic male lead
In 1941, he won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for the film The Great McGinty, his first of three nominations in the category. He had invested in entrepreneurial projects such as an engineering company and The Players, a popular restaurant and nightclub at 8225 However, this career peak also marked the beginning of Sturges' professional decline as Hughes proved an unstable and mercurial partner.In the meantime, California Pictures had put another film into production, Sturges was left professionally adrift. He served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during WWI. Why I'm not walking on my heels after all this, I don't know. It is not uncommon for a Sturges character to deliver an exquisitely turned phra Ironically, to say the least, the working title of the book he left behind was "The Events Leading Up To My Death". Alone our memories resist this disintegration and grow more lovely with the passing years. Preston Sturges, Writer: The Great McGinty. Part of his aversion to monogamy was that his mother often carried on affairs with several different men and women at the same time while she was raising him. With only 13 films to his credit, he directed even fewer movies than His reputation became one of a period director who ultimately lost contact with his audience. Ex son in law of Marjorie Merriweather Post and Edward Bennett Close who's the grandfather of Glenn Close. Members of Sturges's unofficial "stock company" of character actors who appear in Sullivan's Travels include George...Preston Sturges has a … Another phase of his attack is shrouding in slapstick the fact that the godfather pays off not for perseverance or honesty or ability but merely from capriciousness.Production on these films did not always go smoothly.
To everyone's astonishment, I won that championship and defended it successfully for a number of years, winning nine times by knockout, fighting three draws, losing twice and getting one no-decision in Europe. He was born into a wealthy family. In the sound era he was the first great writer to became a director. Preston Sturges was an American playwright, screenwriter, and film director. Biography in: John Wakeman, editor. You go on to the next one. The most incredible thing about my career is that I had one. His 1951 Broadway musical, Sturges was having no better luck in Hollywood, where his clout was gone. Returning to America, Dempsey met her third husband, the wealthy In 1916, he worked as a runner for New York stock brokers, a position he obtained through Solomon Sturges. Sturges took the screwball comedy format of the 1930s to another level, writing dialogue that, heard today, is often surprisingly naturalistic, mature, and ahead of its time, despite the farcical situations. As a boy he helped out on stage productions for his mother's friend, Isadora Duncan (the scarf that strangled her was made by his mother's company, Maison Desti). New York: The H.W.
His mother, Mary d'Este, was for a time the lover of the notorious
Cast notes: This was the sixth of ten films written by Preston Sturges in which William Demarest appeared. Sturges began spending more time in Europe, as he had as a young man. When he wanted to speed up the plot, he dispensed with dialogue and let the crisp movement and montage of silent farce fill the screen with hurling bodies. "World Film Directors, Volume One, 1890-1945". He was working on his memoirs when he died suddenly, sick and alone, in a Manhattan hotel room.
Suddenly I saw a chance and offered to fight for the world championship for a dollar. He was born into a wealthy family. He is contemptuous of everybody except the opportunist and the unscrupulous little woman who, at some point in every picture, labels the hero a poor sap. He served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during WWI. [His "golden rule" for successful comedy] A pretty girl is better than a plain one / A leg is better than an arm / A bedroom is better than a living room / An arrival is better that a departure / A birth is better than a death / A chase is better than a chat / A dog is better than a landscape / A kitten is better than a dog / A baby is better than a kitten / A kiss is better than a baby / A pratfall is better than anything.
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