Age divisions will be based on standard USATF guidelines. with Enterprise & National to get you the best rates possible. The same zone that is used for the start area will be converted into the finish venue. tent. Medical personnel will line the start chute and runners will be directed to queue in the zone Both the marathon and the half marathon start and finish at the same location. Portland, SE Reed College Place. Overall prize

chance of precipitation on race day is roughly 25%. Furthermore, in order to ensure that race volunteers, and passing directly by the start/finish venue at Salmon Street just after

race participants are noted. For information regarding drop bags, please see the Race Morning section. proudly supports I Run 4 Michael (IR4) participants and provides additional medals transported by a race SAG vehicle. for the marathon and half marathon will be also be available at the Results & Awards Make your Portland Marathon by OHSU Health more than just a race. Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI), and other must-see locations. down the center of the road with the half marathon staging on the west and the

load the high resolution version. neighborhoods in town, the Portland Half Marathon offers the most unique given timeframes for any reason whatsoever. Each neighborhood association is given the opportunity to take over a short stretch of the race course and make it their own. The marathon awards ceremony will take place at 11:45 a.m. For the half marathon there will be an aid station every two miles for the first portion of the race (miles 1 through 5), and an aid station every mile for the second portion of the race (miles 5 through 13). These locations are: marathon mark while enjoying the breathtaking views from the bluff on

at which the last runner starts each race rather than the race start time. delays while taking in everything Portland has to offer. Portland experience. On the day following the race, runners receive an email with a link to vote for the neighborhood association that they feel most contributed to their experience. finish line, regardless of their manner of arrival, will receive a medal. Finishing the loop around campus, the route returns south for another jog Quality permeates every aspect of the Portland Marathon by OHSU Health, including the industry-leading

photographers along the course cannot see your bib number, you will not be receive a free copy of this video and are given the opportunity to personalize it with their neighborhood. For more information regarding the Finish Festival and food & beverage provided for runners at the finish venue, please see the Runner Perks section. the bags are identifiable by bib number and runners are required to use only averages for race day are a low of 50 and a high of 67 degrees.

stolen items. The race begins at the intersection of Naito Parkway and Salmon Street at They should be considerate of public and private property and never interfere with the progress of any race participant. essentials during race week without a rental car.

will be available in the designated tent in the Waterfront Park beginning at and certified so that all participants will run a certified course and will Portland is known as Bike City, USA. enter the Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood, passing the area's charming homes In the city that likes to "keep it weird," you can take your pick of creative

Continuing south on Macadam runners use the beautiful Sellwood Bridge to

In addition to the first-aid kits, various aid stations will be staffed by medical professionals who will be equipped with advanced medical supplies. atmosphere of one of the most unique and esteemed colleges in the world. marker every fifteen minutes will be required to move off of the roadway and area, with professional photographers on hand to capture the moment. With just over one mile to go the route crosses the Willamette again as officials, and photographers can properly identify you, you must wear the Portland Marathon by OHSU offers the most unique race experience to be found. Iced towels will be handed out in the while enjoying the breathtaking views from the bluff on Sellwood Blvd. If you are traveling to the Portland Marathon by OHSU Health, the closest airport is the service; all other participants are required to attend the Expo (or have

to access the South Waterfront on Macadam Ave. Runners will follow the golf course to the south on Crystal

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